When To Stop-2

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Trey P.O.V//Friday Still//

        So I'm just chilling on the bed texting Sky and suddenly I hear the loudest bang in my life. I run out of my room to see Ashley with the same confused look as myself. I grab my gun and cock it with Ashley walking behind me holding close.

        "Trey I'm scared." The 3 words I never want to hear my sister say what could possibly be happening.

        "Listen to me baby girl I'm going to protect you go in the kitchen and grab a knife if someone you don't know walks in stab that motherfucker." I guide her to the kitchen and then walk into the hallway back into the living room. Walking I immediately see what happened. 

        "Ashley what the hell?!" I say when I see her cat had knocked over and broke a vase. She walks in the room and laughs picking up her cat.

        "I'm so sorry Trey I'll take better care of him." She says laughing I mug her, I hate that stank ass cat he gone "run away" one day. So after I make her clean up the broken vase we both go back to our rooms and I go back to my phone and get an instant smile when I see Sky had text me back.

Text Convo

Sky: We can go on a friendly outing whenever you'd like.

Trey: Friendly outing what type of shit is that I'm talking about a date not some “friendly outing"

Sky: Aw aren't you just the sweetest? I'm being completely sarcastic, but I mean we can go out whenever.

Trey: How about tomorrow we go ice skating in Downtown Detroit? Then after I take you to get donuts and hot chocolate or Coney Island?

Sky: That sounds nice, pick me up around 6:30? I'll text you the address tomorrow?

Trey: Okay see you then Sky.

Aww shit Trey has himself a date I'm actually a little excited for myself. I can't wait for tomorrow and see where this takes us...

Sky P.O.V//Saturday Morning

        Trey is really a sweet thug I guess. I don't know I'm not going to rush or anything but he's a funny guy. He made me smile and what not. I'm really done with Andre, my ex, at this point. I told him it's over and he just said a lot of harsh shit to hurt my feelings. Now he texting me this morning like no baby come back. I'm like or nah nigga you should've been thinking of that long ago baby boy. I woke up this morning with a smile though I won't let any nigga knock me down no matter what they do. So now I'm just in the kitchen as usual cooking everybody some breakfast. My brothers of course they fat self gone need some food, and my twin sister her name is Serena. I am cooking french toast with some bacon and fruit. As I'm cooking my youngest brother Cameron comes into the kitchen, he's my favorite and 16.

        "Hey big sister what you cooking?" He asks me sitting down at the kitchen island.

        "Some breakfast. French toast, bacon, and fruit salad. Where were you last night when I came home?" I asked since he decided to be gone.

        "I went to the movies it was late when I got in." Mhmm I nod my head he better not be lying. I put the bacon on a plate and put the fruit in a bowl taking the french toast onto a serving dish. I set all this on the kitchen island so everyone can help themselves. I go up the stairs and walk into my twin's room.

        "Good morning twin!" I yelled to wake her lazy ass up.

        "You so damn rude what you want?" she asked me and I laugh.

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