Chapter 14

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"Thank you, Mr. Stanton," Amelia said as Edward helped her into the runabout carriage, and made his way around to the opposite side to climb up and take the reins. He settled himself down beside her and paused, watching the carriage in front of them jerk into motion. Edward cringed inwardly as he watched Matthew drive off with his sweet Elizabeth.

I should be driving my dear Elizabeth this moment, but no, I had to have the misfortune of my father's arrival... Besides that, what on Earth possessed Matthew to ask for Elizabeth's company? Surely my friend has noticed my attentions toward her. Surely he does not mean to steal her away from me?

Edward had not been able to help the feeling of envy rising up in him from the moment he stepped out of the front door and witnessed Matthew and Elizabeth standing near each other, their eyes locked, smiling faces betraying a tender moment. When Elizabeth had turned her eyes upon him, it had taken all of his control not to reach out to her, as well as to not lunge at Matthew.

Edward tamed his thoughts, he reminded himself that Matthew didn't know of his intentions toward Elizabeth, and Edward planned to speak with Matthew soon regarding Elizabeth. He realized it would look foolish for him to do so while also under the charade of trying to court Amelia to satisfy his father.

"Mr. Stanton? Is everything alright?"

Amelia's words shook him from his thoughts, "Um, yes, Miss Amelia." He shook the reins and the carriage jolted forward. He needed to focus on winning over Amelia.

"May I say that you look quite lovely, er, beautiful, today? I'm so very glad that you accepted my offer to drive you." Edward hoped that his words didn't sound forced, like they felt to him.

Amelia looked at him sweetly, green eyes twinkling. "It's so kind of you to say so, Mr. Stanton. I must say that I was glad when you asked, for I confess I wanted to spend a little private time with you, to get more acquainted with you."

Edward swallowed hard. Just what exactly does that mean? Is she suggesting...? Does that mean she knows nothing of Elizabeth's feelings for me?

"Um, it's quite a fine day for a ride, don't you think?" Edward tried to keep the conversation general. He found he was losing his nerve to follow through with his plan.

"Why yes, it is very nice out today." Amelia paused for a moment before asking, "Mr. Stanton, may I ask you something?"

Oh, my. I do hope I won't regret this...

"You may, Miss Amelia."

"About Mr. Callaway...have you known him for quite awhile?"

"Um, yes, I have. We have been the closest of friends for many years." At least, Edward thought that they were still the closest of friends...

"Oh, that's grand. Does Mr. Callaway ever speak of me?" Amelia held a hint of hope in her voice.

Oh, no.

Edward glanced over at Amelia; she looked back at him expectantly. "Um...No, I can't say that he has, Miss Amelia, at least he has not to me."

It really was the truth; he and Matthew had not had any private conversations since that afternoon they arrived at the plantation. Edward had been so absorbed in chasing Elizabeth he truly didn't know what his friend thought about Amelia, although it seemed that perhaps she was partial to Matthew. That surely didn't help his situation any at all.

Amelia's face fell. "Oh." She turned her head and looked out at the passing scenery.

They rode on in silence for a bit, Edward feeling awkward about the whole situation. He gripped the reins tighter, and wished for this outing to be over quickly. He liked Amelia, and he hated saying anything that would hurt her feelings. He knew he needed to say something to turn the conversation in a direction in which he could complement her, or possibly suggest that he was attracted to her, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it.

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