Chapter 10

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Elizabeth sat motionless as Edward gently unraveled her hair from the braid she had just begun. The feel of his hands in her hair made her stomach flutter, and she was sure that he could hear her heart pounding. In truth, she had not yet recovered from the intimate moment they had just shared minutes before.

Elizabeth had suffered a bit of a shock when her horse had sent her flying into Edward's arms as he helped her down from the saddle. She felt scandalous at the way she had clutched at him, yet she had been paralyzed against his strong body, unable to break away from his gaze or release her hold on his neck. When he had whispered her name, with his face just inches from hers, her eyes had been drawn to his lips by an unknown force, and seconds later Edward had softly touched them to hers.

A rush of heat had spread through her body, and shamelessly she had pulled him closer to her. Her cheeks blazed at the memory. Edward had released her as if he'd been burned by her touch. She supposed it was a good thing he did, for who knows how long she would have clung to him. Elizabeth had never been kissed before, and no man's touch had ever sent her stomach to her knees like Edward's had. Even now, gazing at him while he gently combed his fingers through the length of her hair sent tingles through her body.

He's so handsome, those eyes so blue... I was so very wrong about him, he's a gentleman, he's interesting, funny, intelligent, and he loves You, Lord... Oh, I've never felt like this before, I'm terrified to trust him fully with my heart, and yet I can't look away...

Edward smoothed Elizabeth's hair over her shoulder, and then let his fingers trail through the ends before releasing the shiny locks. Elizabeth's gaze never left his face; his eyes had taken on an intense stare, and his jaw muscles flexed, and Elizabeth thought he wanted to speak, but perhaps he contemplated the words.

When he remained silent, Elizabeth spoke wistfully, "When Amelia and I were little, Mama would bring us here every summer to go swimming. Sometimes Papa would come with us and we would have a family picnic right here on this rock. Those are some of my most cherished memories." Elizabeth gazed out over the water, thinking on the past. "Later, after Mama died, I would often come here with a book and stay all afternoon, reading and thinking about her."

"That must have been awfully difficult," Edward said softly. She could hear the tenderness in his voice.

Elizabeth turned and looked into his deep blue eyes. "I felt closer to her here. It made it all a little bit easier." She looked down at his hand and took it in both of hers, stroking it softly. After a moment, she looked back up into his eyes and whispered, "Now I have more wonderful memories of this place..."

Edward's face tightened with a touched sympathy. "My darling Elizabeth..."

His words stirred something deep inside her. She leaned closer to him, her lips drawn to his by a magnetism. He leaned in to her as her lips touched his, and he brought his free hand up and into her hair. The kiss lingered a little longer this time; Elizabeth wrapped a hand around the back of his neck, trailing her hand across the side of his face softly as she pulled away. She had a fleeting thought of throwing herself into his arms, and holding tightly to his neck again, but for propriety's sake, she moved to put a little space between them.

Edward sat still, gazing back at her.

"Elizabeth, I..." Edward's voice trailed off, and he clamped his mouth shut. He raked his hand through his hair and blew out a breath.

Elizabeth sat quietly watching him, willing him to finish, dying to know what he was about to say. But he remained silent.

"Edward?" She longed to touch his hand again, but thought better of it. They had already had more contact than was appropriate. But still she desired to know what he was thinking.

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