Chapter 27

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"What a despicable man! What-ever are we going to do about it?" Amelia exclaimed.

Elizabeth sat in the parlor with Amelia and Aunt Charlotte, addressing the information she had learned about Charles. All of them had met in the parlor briefly before Papa had taken Edward and Matthew into his office with him; to discuss all the various ways Charles had blackmailed or threatened them or their loved ones. Luckily for them all, Charles had excused himself for the day, telling Papa this morning that he had business to see to in town all day.

"I do believe that man has always had a temper," Aunt Charlotte huffed. "I had heard much of that story your father told you, Elizabeth. I can remember Peter bringing Lydia here for walks and carriage rides in the countryside shortly after it happened." A smile spread across her face, "The poor dear, she was fragile at first, as you can imagine, but once she regained her composure, it was as if it had never happened. Of course, I do believe her being in love with your father didn't hinder her recovery much." Aunt Charlotte's eyes twinkled.

"I'm so glad to hear that she recovered quickly," Elizabeth said with a smile. "I always thought Mama to be a strong woman; I just never had any idea how strong."

"Yes, well, I still want to know just what we intend to do about all of this. That wretched, evil man...he deserves to pay for what he's done!" Amelia seethed, rising from the settee to pace the room. Every few steps she stomped her foot.

Elizabeth had not given Amelia all the grim details about the incident, for she knew her sister was likely to burst into a rant and berate Charles the moment he walked in the door, or even possibly lurk in the shadows with a fire iron and knock him over the head with it. Not to say he didn't deserve as much, but the last thing they needed was to provoke a scene with someone as unhinged as Charles when they weren't all prepared and counting on it.

"Amelia, dear, we're going to do something, we're just not sure what yet. Young Mr. Stanton is right; we've got to try to outsmart him. Who knows just how many webs of deceit the man has going?" Aunt Charlotte visibly shivered.

"Exactly right, Aunt Charlotte. Amelia, I intend for you and I to search Mama's room for anything more that may point to underhanded dealings, she may have known something that went on while she and Charles were still friends. It won't hurt to look, anyway. Aunt Charlotte, you may join us if you wish."

Aunt Charlotte nodded, "Yes, I'll help, but first, my dear, I want to hear all about you and the young Mr. Stanton. That wonderful news has been a bit overshadowed by our dramatic turn of events." A big grin spread across her face.

At the sound of her aunt's words, Amelia stopped short and spun around, quickly planting herself on the settee once more. She watched her sister intently, grinning.

"Oh, yes Lizzie! How could I forget such news? You must give us all the details!"

Elizabeth blushed, looking down at her lap. "There's not really much to tell... Edward and I talked, and he asked me...and... Well, he..." She felt as though her face was on fire.

For goodness sake, it's only Aunt Charlotte and Amelia...why is it so hard for me to speak?

"He kissed you again, didn't he?" Amelia was alive with excitement.

Elizabeth cast a look of horror at Amelia.

"Oh my, again, Elizabeth? It would seem that I am behind on the gossip," Aunt Charlotte's eyes twinkled and she grinned at Elizabeth.

Elizabeth covered her face with her hands as her sister and aunt burst into giggles around her. Amelia reached over and jerked Elizabeth's hands away from her face, to reveal rosy cheeks and a wide smile.

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