The End

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"Well I'm out" Mike said and actually trotted away this time. Meanwhile chaos was happening around him. The first to really process what had host gone one was Quinta.

" Ben you have broken the most sacred rule of the competition. As such you must be punished accordingly by me the host." A devious grin was on Quinta's face as she said this.

"What rule are you even talking about you overgrown lizard piece of shitacki mushrooms. The only rule I remember is don't kill the bachelor and he's here and he's mine now. Eugene darling you don't wanna be with that, we'll have so much fun together just you.....and me. " Ben began to plead with Eugene dropping the knife to the ground.

"Oh my you really don't know, if after the bachelor chooses his lover someone kills him or her, they are sentenced to die." Quinta stated laughingly behind her shades her eyes glowing a poison green.

"We wouldn't want to lead the audience on would we hehe!" Quinta smiled and took off her sunglasses instantly turning Ben to stone.

Eugene was a mess to stay the least. His love had died, he barely had the chance to get to know Ryan but he was his only choice at this point. He had heard the rumor if you cut off a hydras head one grew in its place but he didn't know that meant you'd have to kill all the heads. However he had also heard that was only a one time thing.

"Eugene this entire time I've been watching through Shane's eyes everything's that's happened and I fell in love with you. Without hesitation your beauty, smarts, and your savagery. Simply put blood is a fantastic look on you." Then Ryan grasped Eugene's chin tilting it upwards

"Won't you be mine?" He asked gently before planting a light delicate kiss on Eugene lips.

"Hahahahahahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahhah YOUR NOT SHANE AND YOU WONT EVER BE." Eugene laughed the knife Ben used to kill Shane in his hand he stabbed Ryan. Sealing the deadly deal with a kiss. At that moment Eugene Lee Yang was no more lost to a madness we all know to well. It festers in each and everyone of us growing stronger by the day. Love destroyed him. He ran off into the woods to never be seen again. It's said you sometimes hear a sorrowful howl at the moon.

You may be wondering what became of Quinta well she developed a pension for madness,eventually losing it herself. However, she stayed the host of the Bachelor til her death, forever remembering her first season.


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