Keugene's Hunt

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Eugene and Keith started marching into the forest and immediately they could hear twigs snapping under clumsy peasants feet.

"This way." Eugene led him deeper into the forest.

"Now!" They heard a masculine voice yell. All of the sudden about four or five men jumped on top of Eugene. Keith tried to protect him, but a peasant stabbed him in his side.

"Eugene!" He screeched.

"Keith! Hmmmdp Mehfmme!" He muffled. Through the darkness, Keith watched as the peasants dragged Eugene away. The pulled him deeper into the forest.

Keith slowly crawled out of the forest and back to the castle.

"Keith! What happened?" Ryan, one of the heads on the hydra, asked after they rushed over to the bleeding vampire.

"Eug... Eugene was ta-taken by the peasants. The-they st... abbed me." He tried to explain between his sharp breathes.

"We must save Eugene!" Shane, the other head, proclaimed.

"Ned! We need Keith to get Keith to a hospital!" Ryan yelled.

"Oh, now you care more about Keith then you do about Eugene!" Shane huffed.

"I care that people can die in these woods!" Ryan shot back.

"I still want my time with Eugene!l Shane yelled, continuing to argue.

"Ned!" Ryan yelled again, avoiding Shane. Or at least trying to.

Ned finally rushed over and looked at Keith's wounds.

"You know, my wife..." he started.

"Shut up!" Keith yelled.

"We will save Eugene!" Shane remarked again, this time getting up and running into the forest.

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