Part 4 - Trends

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First mission, that means awesome. No, that means fun. Sure, it does sound fun. This is my first mission, and my objective is to.. spy. And in order to be spying on someone, you can't just use some toilet plumbers to stick on the ceiling so you can spy mission-impossible style.
Take my heartful advice: You need to have a disguise. I designed a disguise of my own using the magic of rubber, silicone, latex, along with some cartoon magic. Creating the perfect disguise which makes me look different and no one can tell there's someone inside someone. What's my disguise, you ask? Well. I consider it as a grateful variation of the cute girls you see at school.

I call it: Abbie Downey Cavill Zilla Hardy Raimi Wilson

No, no, no, no. Just no. Why did I even think of that? That's a name of a goddamn mary sue. And it's not even realistically possible to begin with. That'll roll off the tongue like a turd in the wind, like how Fantastic Four (2015) rolled off the tongue of success.

(Mary Sue - "Perfect" Female Characters | eg. Rey from Star Wars.)

I'll make it easier.
I'll call my disguise: Abbie Wilson

I basically just removed all the other useless names in the middle but again, that does not matter. Abbie Wilson will be the final result of this great product.

I slipped on my "Abbie" mask, then did the rest. Not to mention I also put on some cups with marshmallows stuck to them. No kidding. The enrolling thing in school was already taken care of by Director K himself. And I had the right to wear this disguise and study at this school. For a young teen, I am no dummy.

I followed a trail of students walking into the doors of the school, as I glanced around my sorroundings, seeing everyone all so happy on their day at school. I've already been assigned to the same section XJ-9 is at.

I strolled in the corridors like a normal student and saw my target immediately. Her mechanical embodiment of herself walking into the room like a normal highschool girl, obviously that means my section is that way. I followed her into the classroom then sat on a seat, one by the back.

XJ-9 kept herself in peace, observing other highschool girls talking about them trends and stuff.

"That's nothin' compared to my babies." The short punk "cool" girl showcased her hard rock skull earrings, three earings stacked like three pizza boxes. I forgot her name. A handful of Oooh's of amazement echoed throughout the school room.

"You'll do anything to get fab." The other girl said, who was her friend. She showcased her own earrings, crystal spiky ones, looking like kryptonite but blue. Another Ooohfest echoed throughout the crib. "These trends are now, gals."

"Oh hi there, gal pals! How are you? Those earrings look so nice!" XJ-9 herself complimented the "popular" girls, with a smile of bliss embedded into her expressive face. The punk girls gave hardly a crap, as they rolled their eyes hearing her compliment. "Yeah, sure. Whatever. Whatcha got?" The short punk girl asked the teenage robot.

"My mother recently modelled my belly button bead after an ancient but shiny artifact found in Central America!" XJ-9 bulged her robotic belly, showing her shining blue-colored dot belly button which had a nail embedded into it of course. She had to make sure she could impress the others with its supposed shinyness. "Though I don't have any of those earrings yet."

"Oh.." The two punk girls looke at eachother for a plan. "Why don't you get one someday? We'd love to see you wearing earrings!" They said to her like she is their friend.

"Wait.. I know who these are now.." Shadow took out his identification gadget and on its monitor flashed the names of the two identified punk girls.

>Brittany Crust
>Tiffany Crust

"Some punk girls waiting to get immobilized."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2019 ⏰

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