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Shadow, the armed but young mercenary. Lays on his back sleeping on a small wooden boat in the middle of the ocean, He'll eventually wake up later, will he panic or nah?


"W-where..?" The young superpowered individual opens his eyes taking sight of the beaming, yellow, fiery sun above. He gets up and is shocked of the next thing he knows and sees, water, wavy dark and blue water, an enormous amount of it. He realizes he is stranded in the middle of the ocean.

"AAAAAAAGGGGHHH!!!" Shadow screamed. "Why am I here?!" Shadow asked himself, panicking.

"Ok, punk.. don't panic.. don't panic." Shadow told to himself, trying to get a hold of himself by calming down. He stares at the enormous, wavy, dark and blue sea, one of his biggest fears.

"Oh GOD!!" Shadow yelled. Later calming himself, he sits back down on the small wooden boat and grabs one of the oars.

He rows the boat, with the oar, still speechless. He was very frightened, his eyes looked like they're about to pop out.

Shadow unfortunely has no idea why he is here. "What am I doing here?! How did I get here?!" Shadow thought.

Shadow suddenly and slowly starts to remember how he ended up on a small boat in the middle of the ocean. He remembed. He was on a very tall buidling, with a friend. He was at a city, a big one, New York City.


"Oh, I love the smell of bones cracking, getting pummeled in the morning!" Shadow said fighting off bad guys in suits with guns. And alongside him was a girl in her teens, wearing a helmet to hide her identity.

A guy then tries to shoot him, he gets shot multiple times in the chest. "Ouch, but that tickled!" Shadow still being alive, he throws an office computer chair at the guy.

They were fighting at an office. It's like the beginning of Taylor Swift's bad blood music video, Guys in suits fighting two superpowered individuals. Monitors, keyboards, papers, mugs, flying all over the place because of the fight happening inside.

Four guys sorround Shadow, forming a circle around him. They prepare their fighting poses, trying to look badass but end up posing like Joker's goons.

Shadow looks around fast, like he was looking for something. "Ok, I can't slice anyone right in this building. So Ima have to do this the PG way. Come on, where's something useful?" Shadow said, searching for a useful object that has potential to be used as a weapon.

He finds a keyboard below him, useful for smacking heads. "Uhh, Why'd it have to be a keyboard?" Shadow quickly grabs the keyboard near his foot. "I'm a keyboard warrior!" Shadow says, then a guy from behind him charges, he turns around quickly and hits the guy on the side of his face with a keyboard, knocking him away.

The second guy runs at him, And because he (Shadow) is strong. He grabs him by the neck and throws him at the third guy, taking the both of them down.

The fourth guy pulls out batons and tries to hit Shadow, But he keeps dodging then hits him right on the baby-maker with the end of the keyboard on the side.

"Hah! kuckshot!" Shadow energetically said as the guy he hits on the balls with the keyboard falls down, with his energy expiring.

"I guess I was right in calling you to help me on this mission." The girl in the helmet said. "You're goddamn right, lady!" Shadow energetically said, while knocking two guys' heads together.

"What was my reward again?" Shadow asked the mysterious girl. "Oh, anything you desire." The girl seducetively said.

"Oh! Really?! But this isn't even a lemon! Ya know what I'm talking about, right?" Shadow said.

"There's the guy!" The girl pointed and found a guy in a white suit trying to escape, Shadow catches the guy and wraps him up with duct tape real fast.

"Nice job, Shadow." The girl said. "Oh you're too nice, gal! What's your name again?" Shadow asked. "We'll get into that later." The girl said.

Shadow takes off some tape he stuck on the guy's face and lets him speak. "I bought you a new mouth for a thousand dollars, now speak!" Shadow tells the guy.

"You know... Killing them with kindness always works.." The girl in the helmet pulled out a rocket launcher and pointed it at Shadow who stood by the window.

"Wait, what's this? You had an RPG all the time? You should've used it earlier, you know!" Shadow said, not realizing that she used him.

"I used you, fool. Now buh-bye." The girl in the helmet fired a rocket at Shadow which sent him off into a very far distance out of the building.

But before she did, he was like "Great! this is Bad Blood all over again!"

The rocket has hit Shadow, But it's not exploding and only pushes him fast enough in mid-air. Shadow grabs the rocket and gets it away from him.

Shadow falls roughly on a small wooden boat near the docks, and passes out. And that's how it all turned out.


"That son of a.." Shadow said while rowing his boat. He's now been doing this for the 20 minutes, and the last minutes were him thinking of his flashbacks.

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