Under My Tree (working title) Chapter 5

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Rosie's POV this time. Her version of their first encounter, I hope you like. Please comment on what you think. Thanks!

I didn't want to believe it. My mom was getting married?! My life was going to change big time. I didn't know if we were going to move and live with him or stay where we are. I mean, did he even live in New York? Would I be able to continue going to my school or have to transfer? This was too much to handle. I sighed and rubbed my face. Keeping my eyes closed and my head up I let the wind stroke my face. It was starting to calm me down when all of a sudden I felt something wet rub on my face. I snapped my eyes open in shock and was surprised to see a dog right in front of my face. I heard someone laugh and snapped my head up in the direction where I heard it to see a teenage boy standing there. He had short, dirty blonde hair, and deep blue eyes. He was pretty tall and you could see some muscle under his shirt. I looked at him in surprise. But his laugh was so contagious that I laughed with him. This is just what I needed right now, a nice laugh.

The boy looked shocked for a second then smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile back. He looked cute when he smiled. I rubbed my face again getting rid of stray tears then looked back down at the dog. He was looking at me expectantly so I pet him behind his ears and whispered a thank you to him. I knew he wouldn't understand but I was grateful to him for getting me out of my bad mood. The dog yelped and licked my face. I laughed as I wiped off the dog slobber. I looked up to the boy again and asked, "What's his name?"

"Larry." He said smiling.

I smiled back at him again and looked back down at Larry. I pet him again and started to stand but he got excited and jumped on me causing me to fall over. The guy rushed over to me and offered his hand to help me out. I hesitated for a second, not sure if I should take his hand. I just looked at it like he was holding a porcupine in his hand. Feeling like an idiot for not wanting him to help me up I reached out for his hand. His hand was so warm. He firmly gripped my hand and helped me up. We stared at each other for a minute until he realized he was still holding my hand and he let go of it very carefully. I felt a chill run down my spine as he looked into my eyes with his beautiful blue ones. I heard him mumble an apology and I looked at him confused. He nodded to Larry.

"For him interrupting you, I mean." He explained.

I smiled at him, "No, it's okay. I'm glad he did. It brightened my day. Helped me stop sulking and made me feel like someone cared."

And he really did. Well, it was more that this guy was talking to me that made my day. I don't know how but it made me feel a lot better. Even though I'm sure he didn't know why I had been crying, he grinned.

"Are you alright?" He asked after a couple of seconds.

My smile faltered a little as I lied. I was feeling better now but I was still upset about my mom and Harry. I didn't want to tell him what was going on, because I didn't know who he was. So I said, "Uh, yeah. I'm fine."

I knew he didn't believe me because as soon as I said it he frowned. "No, You're not."

I shrugged not wanting to have to say anything else. I turned around and bent down to grab my art supplies. When I turned around I saw that he was checking out my butt. I blushed a little but hid it with a smirk. I saw his face turn a little red and smiled to myself that he would be embarrassed.

"So, you're a drawer?" He asked trying to drag the attention off of himself.

I nodded, "Yeah."

"That's really cool. Can I see?" He asked sounding curious.

I shook my head. No way was I going to let this stranger see my art. I have always felt self-conscious about my abilities. I didn't want to be embarrassed if he didn't think it was good.

He looked disappointed, "Why not?"

I laughed at his expression and replied, "I don't show my artwork to strangers."

"Then you don't plan on becoming an artist." He said very matter-of-factly.

I didn't understand what he meant by that, so I tilted my head and looked at him.

"If you don't show strangers your art, how will you ever sell it?" He asked.

I tried to think of a come -back but realized he had a point. So I made up a lame excuse so I wouldn't have to show him my art.

" Well, I don't show strangers with cute dogs named Larry my art." I said kind of snobby.

He laughed and said, "Larry isn't my dog, so you can show me."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "So you stole Larry?"

He laughed, "No! I'm his dog walker."

I laughed with him. That was stupid of me to think he stole a dog. Who steals dogs? I must sound stupid to him. He stood there for a second- I guess he did think I was stupid.

"So?" He finally said.

I knew he still wanted to see my art so I shook my head again.

He heaved a giant sigh then told me about himself, "My name is Trevor. I am seventeen and I go to Jefferson High. There you know who I am. I'm not a stranger."

I shook my head telling him I still wasn't going to let him see my pictures but I told him who I was, "Hi, I'm Rosie."

He smiled at me and took my hand again to shake it. I felt giddy at his warm touch but as soon as he let go my hand felt extremely cold.

"Well Rosie. Can I see your art now?" He asked again.

I laughed but still refused, "Nope."

He sighed again, this time sounding aggravated. I guess he really wanted to see my art. I felt bad and came up with a plan.

"Unless..." I said.

"Unless what?" He asked a little too cheerfully.

"Unless you let me draw Larry. Then I'll show you what I did." I offered.

I thought this was a fair trade. I really liked Larry and he was actually a beautiful dog. I think he was a Golden Retriever. It also gave me more of an opportunity to talk to Trevor.

"Okay." Trevor complied.

I smiled and sat back down with my supplies. Larry sat down next to me like he knew what was going on. Trevor walked over and plopped down next to me. I felt a little nervous that he was so close but I turned and smiled at him. Before he could smile or say anything back I turned to study Larry. I took out my pad and started to work.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2010 ⏰

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