Under My Tree (working title) Chapter 4

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Trevors POV! Whats a gonna happen??? haha lol, Please comment <3

The sky was so clear today. There was barely a cloud in the sky. As I walked around Central Park with Larry I noticed everything was green. A bright, fresh, cheerful green. I looked around people watching. I saw a man coming towards me. He was wearing a suit. He had a briefcase and a coffee in his hand. He was looking down and he barely noticed me as he walked right past me. I turned around and started following him. Not to be a stalker but he looked familiar. Larry trudged along next to me, already having went to the bathroom. We were just getting some exercise now. I looked down at him, he was wagging his tail contently and had his tongue hanging out of his mouth. All of a sudden I walked into something hard. I faced up and saw the man looking furiously down at me. His sharp, green eyes piercing through me like they were laser beams. He had a moustache and I instantly recognized him. This was the guy that has been in the papers for the last few months. He is a well respected lawyer that has taken on one of the world's hardest cases. I couldn't recall his name for the life of me though. He huffed at me, still looking incredibly angry at me. I stepped back and Larry barked. I shushed him and the man leaned into my face, "Watch where you are walking, stupid kid."

I frowned and apologized. He stared at me for a second longer and pushed me back. I stumbled but caught my balance in time to see him walking away. I mumbled incoherently to myself as I headed back the other way. He didn't have to be so mean about it. I just shrugged it off thinking that his case was going badly. I kept walking, watching people riding their bikes and jogging by me. Larry was starting to walk slower and slower. We came up to this big apple tree and Larry led me straight to it. As we got closer I heard a muffled sort of cry. I hesitated and looked around. Not seeing anyone I carried on walking to the tree. Larry pulling me around to the other side of the tree where I saw a girl with light brown hair, sitting there with a sketchpad and pencils. She was sitting on a blanket, her head down and I heard her crying. I frowned and was about to go up to her and ask her what was wrong when she lifted her head up. I stopped. I was frozen. Her eyes were still closed but I could still see the features of her beautiful face. She had flawless skin. Her lips were full but shaped into a frown. Her nose was the perfect size and tears clung to her cheeks. It was weird how they didn't fall. And before I could get a closer look she put her hands up to her face and rubbed all the saltwater away. She held her face in her hands and I stared at her like an idiot. Then before I could stop him Larry walked up to her, almost with a concerned look on his face and licked her hands. My eyes widen in fear of what she would do. Her eyes shot open and she looked up to see Larry's face inches from hers. Her expression was so priceless I couldn't help but to laugh. Then her head snapped up and looked at me. She had a look of shock for a second and then instead of giving me a dirty look like I thought she would, she laughed. Laughed! This girl a second ago was crying and now she was laughing. And let me tell you her laugh was so melodic. Not one of those high-pitched laughs tht made your skin crawl. I smiled at her and she looked at me for a second then wiped her face again. She looked back at Larry who was now sitting next to her looking anxious and she pet him on the head. She rubbed behind his ear and whispered to him, "Thank you"

He yelped a little and licked her face again. She laughed and wiped the dog drool off. She looked up at me and asked, "What's his name."

"Larry." I smiled.

She smiled back and looked down at Larry. She pet him again and started to get up but Larry got excited and jumped on her and knocked her back down. I rushed to her to help her up. She look at me as I held my hand out to her. She stared at it for a second and hesitantly took it. I wrapped my hand around hers, feeling the softness of her hand and lightly gripped it as I helped her up. She stood up and we stared at each other until I realized I was still holding her hand. I let go of it and let my hand limp to the side of me, now feeling like my hand was missing something. I mumbled a sorry and she cocked her head to the side like she was confused. I nodded to Larry, "For him interrupting you, I mean."

She smiled and said, "No, it's okay. I'm glad he did. It brightened my day. Helped me stop sulking and made me feel like someone cared."

I smiled even though I was slightly confused. I stared at her for another second before asking, "Are you alright?"

Her smile faded a little and responded with, "Uh, yeah I'm fine."

I frowned at her and shook my head and said, "No you're not."

She just shrugged and turned around and bent over to grab her stuff. When she turned back around she noticed I was staring at her butt and she smirked. I blushed a little and asked, " So, you're a drawer?"

She nodded and said, " Yeah."

"That's really cool. Can I see?" I asked curious to see if she was good.

She shook her head.

I furrowed my eyebrows and asked, "Why not?"

She chuckled and said, "I don't show my artwork to strangers."

"Then you don't plan on becoming an artist."

She looked at me confused and I said, "If you don't show strangers your art, how will you ever sell it?"

She scrunched her nose and said, " Well, I don't show strangers with cute dogs named Larry my art."

I laughed and said, "Larry isn't my dog, so you can show me."

Her eyes narrowed accusingly, "So you stole Larry?"

I laughed, "No! I'm his dog walker."

She laughed too.

I stood there waiting for her to show me her art. After a few seconds if us just staring at each other I go, "So?"

She shook her head again, understanding that I still wanted to see her art.

I sighed and said, "My name is Trevor. I am seventeen and I go to Jefferson High. There, you know who I am. I'm not a stranger."

She shook her head once more but said, "Hi, I'm Rosie."

I smiled and took her hand and shook it.

"Well Rosie. Can I see your art now?"

She laughed and said, "Nope."

I sighed aggravated.

"Unless..." She added.

"Unless what?" I asked eagerly.

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