the drunk lance

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Lance's POV

I was dancing with allura to try to get Shiro's and Keith's attention. She got her man but Keith did lookat me but turned away and I was getting PISSED.

"Ughhh why won't he notice me??" I cry and drink some type of pink drink that tasted like tequila. "hey wanna dance beauty?" A alpha said "no strangrt danger bitch!!" I slured "goz awzs" i said going to Hunk "Hunkie bear why no alpha like meh?"

Hunk turns around from talking to Celia "Lance are you drunk?" I shake my head no "is I remebers my names thenz nozzz!" I said then fell into Hunk "hehehehehe the room spinning!~"

All of a sudden it gets dark I think I passed out...

Keith's POV

I hear something kinda like cryig and my name I walk around. I see Hunk maybe he knows "Hey Hu-" but I was interrupted "Hunkie bear why no alpha like meh?" Is that Lance? What alpha is he talking about? Lance passed out "Hey Hunk I'll take him to the ship" I said Hunk gives me Lance "Ok just make sure to get him in pajamas" Hunk said like a mother lol.

"I will!" I said walking to Allura "hey All-" I started but saw Shiro and her kissing "NeVeR mInD!!!Us PrOtEcTiOn!!" I scream walking away "kEiTh I hAtE yOu!" I hear Shiro yell lol bye hoe!

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