Chapter 1: Moving Is Never Fun

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"Dylan! Stop pulling Lyli's hair!" I yelled across the house at my six year old daughter.

"But Mommy she stoled my toy!" Dylan said, her face fixed in a pout.

"Dylan, she's four, she's going to take things. Could you help Mommy and get me the packing tape thats on the counter?" I said, gesturing to the tape.

"Okay Mommy." Dylan said and ran over with the tape.

I was filling boxes with stuff, we were finally moving out of Spencers parents guest house, we were about to out grow it! We now had the twins, Blaine and Trent, who were nearly eight, Dylan, who was almost seven, Lyli who was four, Lynn who was also four, yes twins again, Brandon who was two and a half and twin boys on the way. Yes, we passed the five child mark we set our goals for, no we did not care.

"Spencer! Please find Brandon, he wandered upstairs!" I yelled.

"He's in the boys' room helping them pack their toys!" Spencer yelled back.

"Thank you!" I said.

We were nearly finished packing, we'd already spent nearly two weeks on it, and now we were in hypodrive because our house was ready to be moved into. Spencer had it built especially for us, just a few miles down the road. We were planning on moving in the next day, Spencers parents were helping while Castor watched, well played with, the kids. And I was ordered, by Spencer, to go visit Albie, appearantly I couldn't move things because I was almost nine months pregnant. Pshh.

"Oh Lynn, please don't put that in your mouth, you know better than that." I said.

"Momma, when are we gonna be able to sleep in the new house?" Lynn asked.

"Tomorrow night Lynn, tonight your staying with Nana and Pappi and then tomorrow you get to play with Castor and Victor all day while Daddy, Pappi and the rest of your uncles get the house in order. Then we get to sleep in the new house." I said.

"What do the house look like Momma?" Lynn asked.

"What DOES the house look like, not do. And I don't know, Daddy won't let us see it until its all done!" I said.

"Mom! Trents being mean! He almost pushed Baby B down the stairs!" Blaine yelled from upstairs, Blaine never called Brandon by his name, ever since Brandon was born we was Baby B to Blaine.

"Trent! Come down here and help me." I snapped, Trent was a huge trouble maker and not very nice to his siblings.

"But Mom!!" Trent whined as he slowly walked into the kitchen.

"No buts Trent. I'm so sick of this attitude! What has gotten into you lately?" I said irritatedly.

"I never have alone time! Everywhere I go there's a kid! And now your having the twins, there will be even more kids in the house! I can't take it!" Trent said, tears threatening to brim over.

"That's why we're moving sweetie, we all need more space. All of you have a choice on where you want to sleep and all that. You can choose to have your own room, then its your own space and the others can't go in there unless they ask you first. Don't get so worked up honey, you only have one more day in this house. Why don't you go downstairs and play with Alaran, I'm sure he's bored down there with just Lex and Ty." I said, hugging him tightly.

"I definetly want my own room, no girls allowed. And thats a good idea mom, I bet he is bored." Trent said and ran off.

Lexa and Tyler still lived in our house with their now six year old son Alaran, four year old son Aiden and Lexa was pregnant with their third. They had gotten married before Alaran was born but we wouldn't let them move out, Tyler was in med school and Lexa just graduated from college, there is no way they could afourd to house themselves. So they were moving with us, Spencer set aside a four bedroom section that was pretty much closed off to the rest of the house. It was their own space to raise their family.

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