Chapter 12: Hospitals Suck

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*Nanook's POV*

"Can I please just go get my own lunch?" I asked, knowing the answer. 

Dr. Sherman flashed me a look, the same look that he'd been giving me for the last four weeks, every time I asked a ridiculous question. I smiled innocently back, hoping beyond hope that I'd be let off for good behavior. I had been staring at the same four walls for the last four weeks, only getting out of bed to take adventurous bathroom journeys. No matter how much Spencer and the kids tried to make my room feel like home, it just could never feel comfortable. It didn't help that the nurses and doctors constantly fussed over me like I was incapable of caring for myself. I had twelve children for crying out loud, I was pretty confident in my self care, thank you very much. 

"Nanook, why do I have to tell you this everyday? I know you're going crazy being all cooped up here, but it's for good reason. Paislee and Tinslee need to cook a little longer. You've done amazing so far, the I.V. nutrition has worked wonders. The girls are nearly caught up to the size they should be according to their fetal age, but that doesn't mean that we can start taking unnecessary risks," Dr. Sherman said, washing his hands.

I huffed angrily, "Do we have a clear date for induction now?" 

Dr. Sherman, that blessed man, smiled graciously, "Yes, April 10th, which as I'm sure you know is only six days away, but you will be 36 weeks one day, which is exactly what we were shooting for. I would love to have them in there a little longer, but with how many times we've had to stop labor already, that seems just about impossible."

I bit my lip, "And how big do you say they are now?"

"As of the ultrasound you had this morning, baby A, Paislee, is approximately 4 pounds 15.3 ounces, just about where we'd like her to be, and baby B, Tinslee, is approximately 4 pounds 6.7 ounces. With another week in there cooking hopefully they will both break five pounds," Dr. Sherman said.

"I know that's bigger than we even hoped for, but it just still seems so little. How do you think their lungs will be?" I asked, anxiously rubbing small circles around my belly button.

"Having already had your two shots of betamethasone, they should be on track to being able to breathe on their own. I can't promise that they won't need any assistance of course, but best case scenario your girls will be able to suck, swallow, and breath just like a full term infant," Dr. Sherman said warmly.

"And worse case scenario?"

"Nanook, it isn't good to worry yourself over things that won't even happen," Dr. Sherman said, his mouth tight.

"Worse case scenario?" I said tightly.

"The worst thing that could happen would be if they became tangled in their cords and stopped breathing during delivery. We're already planning a C-Section though, so that won't happen. Be optimistic, Nanook."

"I'm trying, I just feel so helpless," I said, sighing.

"Most mothers in your situation do, especially those who already have children. Being that this is your sixth pregnancy, I am not at all surprised that you are frustrated with being unable to control it. I know that you feel like you should be able to take care of yourself, because you've been responsible for not only yourself but for small children since you were a teenager, but it doesn't always work that way. Some things can't be taken care of on their own," Dr. Sherman said.

"You know just what to say Doc. Careful, you might end up with a trail of new mothers panting after you! I mean, not me of course, but not all women are madly in love with the father of their child or children," I said impishly.

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