Ghost talk

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"Halooo?" he put his head into the door of his room and then walked in.

"I'm not scared of you." he said with shaking voice.

"Well, that's nice." she stood up from the couch.

"FOR GOD'S SAKE!." he turned back and crashed into the door.

"No, I'm sorry. I did not mean to scare you."

"You didn't want to, but you did." he looked at her.

"I'm so sorry. I'm still forgetting that I'm dead."

"And can you even forget your death?" each one of them stood at one end of the room.

She just shrugged. The embarrassing moment of silence occured.

"Ooh, okay." they said after a while.

"No, I'll wander around the hotel and scare the guests." she went slowly to him.

"Okay and I'll be right here." he stepped out of the door.

"All right." she wanted to take a door handle.

"Can I ask you for something?" she looked at Jay.


"Could you open the door for me?"

"You can not do it?"

"Nope. I can't touch the solid objects, I'm a ghost"

"I see. " he opened the door for her.

"Thank you." she smiled at him.

The two elderly ladies, who were walking around, looked at him so incomprehensibly, to whom he was talking to.

"They don't even see me." said Summer.

"They don't. I mean the door doesn't close." he smiled embarrassedly at these two. They only shook their heads and continued their journey.

"Why?" he asked, but Summer was already gone. He closed the door.

But, she was standing there for a moment, she had her head leaning against the door.

"I do not know." she said beside him.

"JESUS CHRIST!!." He freaked out and screamed so loudly.

"I'm really leaving now." she laughed and walked through the closed door. But she wasn't far away. She actually visited his companion of the opposite room. Shannon was watching TV. Summer stood directly behind him. Shann was just looking at some competition.

"It's an A, you idiot!." he advised one of the contestants.

"No, it's clearly C." he stood up instantly on his feet and stared at her in shock.

"What the hell are you doing here, how did you get here?" Shann stared at her.

"Well, through that hole in the wall. We call it the door here."

"Oh, okay, but how?"

"Normally, I went through them." she said.

"Normally??" he rolled his eyes at her. She walked around the couch and she approached to him.

"Do not go to me. Stay there!" he sounded terrified, he made a provisional cross with his index finger.

"Stop it. You don't even know, how comically you're looking right now." she smiled at him.

"Are you a ghost?" he dropped his hands along his body.

"I'm not Tinker Bell, my sweetheart. Yes, I am a ghost."

"Will you excuse me for a moment?" he ran out of the door. He pulled Tomo out of his room and they both went to Jared's room.

"I hope it's important Shann. I was just going to the shower." Tomo and Shann sat at on the couch.

"Well, I'd say that's important. Summer is a ghost!." he rolled his eyes on his two companions.

"I know." Jay shrugged.

"Who's Summer?" Tomo looked confused.

"Summer is ..."

With the first part of the answer he turned to Tomo, but then he remembered Jared's response and looked at him in surprise: "Wait, you know that?"

"Of course I do. Well, if you remember that spirit is lying in my room." Jay said.

"Can you talk about me more kindly?" Summer walked through the door.

"HOLY CRAP!?. How did you do it?" Tomo jumped out of the sofa and then he stared at her.

"That belongs to the standard equipment of every spirit." she joked.

"So she's not only dead, she's funny too. You're the first spirit with the sense of humor I know." Shannon said.

"And how many spirits do you know?" she asked him.

"Well, that would be interesting to know." Jay looked at him and laid his hands on his chest.

"I did not know you were interested in spiritism, ghost sessions and so on." Tomo looked at him as well.

"I'm not interested, and I've never met any spirit." he scratched his ear. "The damn thing is getting tangled up now."

"I agree." Tomo said.

"Well, I'm going to hang somewhere else." Summer said and disappeard.

"And I'm going to sleep in the tourbus." Shannon said.

"Hold on. What? You can not do that." Jared grabbed his shoulder.

"Well, I'm sorry, but I will not sleep with a ghost in one house." he was decided.

"Jesus, what is wrong with you, huh? She's in my room. I should move."

"Well, you're not looking like you wanna move out of here."

"Well, I don't mind." Jay said.

"She'd be good. And she's quite pretty." Shannon continued in argument.

"What does that have to do with it?" Jay looked at him seriously.

"Well, as soon as a pretty girl gets lost around you, you lose your head."

"She's been dead for four years Shann."

"Yeah, but she looks good, even she's corpse."

"Gentlemen, that's enough." Tomo stopped them. "If you can not agree with each other, I will move out."

"Nobody is going to move anywhere. We're a band and we have to stick together, so we'll have to survive tonight." said Jared as the right leader.

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