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"Daddy" I ask.
"Yes harry"
"Will I ever get to go outside" I frown looking up at him seeing his lip twitch.
"We discussed this harry you are forbidden from going outside ever do you understand me" He says angrily.
I tear up nodding my head.

"S-Sorry daddy" I sniffle. He was about to say something but someone knocked on the door.

"You stay here you hear me" Daddy says sternly making me nod, But I wasn't going to listen I am not a baby I am 17 years old. I pout.

He walks to the door opening it I peek around the corner gasping seeing the boy across the street at the door. He's even better looking up close.

"Hey Sir I am Zayn I'm your neighbor and my mother wanted to know if you wanted to come to our barbecue? We're inviting the neighborhood so do You and your son wanna come?"He asks smiling showing beautiful straight teeth. His beard made him so gorgeous. I hope daddy says yes to letting me go but I already knew the answer was....
"No thanks" He says closing the door making me run back to the dining room.
I giggle to myself as daddy came back looking at me weirdly.
At least I know his name.


Daddy dearest ||Zarry||Where stories live. Discover now