Halloween Month: DaMostGamer - Monster in the Dark

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Wren had Nyctophobia. Bad Nyctophobia, so bad, she slept with the light on.

Her mom, Nicole's(Story mom's name) electricity bill was so high she asked Wren to sleep with the light off. Wren refused. Her mom knew her Nyctophobia was bad, so since the second brightest light was the bathroom. She planned to turn it on after a friend payed the bill for her. Wren didn't enjoy the dark, she knew this, but her mom needed not to lose all money. Her mom replaced her bulbs.

Wren went to bed but turned the light off after she turned the light in the bathroom on. Wren went to bed. Three hours later, after everyone fell asleep, Wren tossed and turned. Jeez this was harder than she thought. 

Wren's Pov:

I woke up to heavy breathing. It's 11:50.  I- Wait. The breathing isn't mine. I looked up, and I regret it. The moment I did, I saw the Monster in the Dark. A phrase meaning 'Someone Creepy in shadows.' but it was a Literal monster. A unknown stranger. I gulped. It came face to face with me. The door  closed. 'My flashlights dead. Crud.' I wanted to scream. "BoO!" "Ahhh!" 

It laughed. "If I waNteD yoU huRt, I woUld haVe huRt yoU." Saying laughing. "NaMe's Breanna, whAt's yoUrs?" Breanna said. "Wren, now can you turn on the light?" "No. I doN't waNt to. I diSapPeaR whEn thE liGhtS go ouT!" Breanna said then grabbed my arm, and then snapped her fingers. We came to a cave. "That is much better ,for my voice. Jeez Boo, That. Was Hard!" 

Third Person Pov:

"You need to know something: If you scream, you're dead."  *She snapped her finger and Wren' eyes widen. Her Sister Rachel's Friend, Ellie was dead. Wren wanted to scram but she would die but, if she did she die!

"Now Let's go~" She said bringng her to a treasure room. Full of Jewels, Gold and Magical items. Wren was surprised. Breanna said trying not to kiss Wren and Kill her at the same time. "I've gotta give an item away. So, You want one Boo~?" Breanna said trying not to be flirty. Wren saw a moon necklace. "Can I have that?" "No! I'm just playing." She gave her the necklace. They had a good night, until Breanna wanted her to leave. 

"You got to go, so bye bye~" Wren was confused by what she said till she was pushed into a hole. Wren woke up screaming when she looked at the time. 6:50am She sighed. She thought to her self 'It was just a Dream' 

That was her thought until she saw the piece of paper on her dresser that said 

''Next Time You Sleep With The Light Off, You As Good As Dead and Good As Mine!''

Wren knew she wasn't dreaming. Wren would never sleep with the Light off. 

Ever again.

She'd sleep somewhere with Light, Not in the Dark ever.

If not, She'd never sleep again, without the light on.

Poor Little Sleepy Wren.

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