Round #8

31 0 13

Welcome to Round 8! I figured that since this is an audio round I’d mix it up and give you not only the audio prompts, but verbal instructions as well.

Attached over there – looks towards the youtube video - >>> is your lifeline for Round #8. In summary, there are:

* 4 audio prompts (note: when I say you don't have to actually include them, what I mean is that they don't have to appear in the story exactly as you hear them. However, it would be nice if I could tell that somehow, at least some of them were recognizably the inspiration for *something*. :-))

* 1 bonus challenge

* 1 required location: 50.898188,-1.600924

You have two weeks to complete a maximum of 7,000 words, and a video response if you have the courage, which gives until Sunday, August 17th @ Midnight, GMT.

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