Chapter 4~ It's Only Been Two Days and Flying Out To See Demi

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Demi's POV

I have only been in TK for two days, yet it seems like its been a year. I miss my family and my fans. I miss hearing my Sage Bear talk or laugh. I miss falling asleep cuddling with her. I miss Selena and Marissa. Can I just be healthy already? Next week is my first open visitation weekend, since I will be out of the detox room and settled into my room while I have my stay here. I can't wait to see my family. 

Dani's POV

I don't even remember falling asleep last night..hell I don't even remember anything after I played the guitar while Dallas and Maddie sang. I miss Demi with all my heart. I miss her laughter and her voice. I need to her to get better, because I don't know what will happen to me. I feel like half of me is gone. But this morning I woke up and I was in Dallas' arms and had Maddie in my arms and we were in Dallas' room. I couldn't help but smile but I felt the pain in my heart as I smiled...Demi should be here and in Dallas' arms while I should be in her arms. Yesterday I heard my mom telling Dallas that next week is Demi's first open visitation weekend. Honestly I don't even know what that means besides for the fact that I get to see Demi..hopefully she is starting ro recover. 

Well anyways I couldn't go back to sleep and I couldn't get out of the bed because Dallas had a death drip around me. I wonder if she thinks that I am doing what Demi did. Soon Dallas's alarm went off and she woke up. Careful as to not wake Maddie up I turned over to Dallas. 

"Morning Dani, what are you doing up?"  Dallas asked

I just shrugged my shoulders.

"I guess this means you won't be talking today either?" Dallas quesitoned me

I simply just shook my head no.

To be honest I would talk if I could find my voice. When I left Demi, its like I left my voice with her. Trust me, a part of me wants to talk, it really does but the other part of me doesn't. Its like the mind and heart fighting over a past relationship but in this case its my mind and my vocal chords fighting on talking. 

I really want this next week to fly by, I want to see Demi, more importantly I want to be able to talk to her.

And the day went on just as the day before had, but today I actually went downstairs and spent some time watching tv, I ate volunteerly and I wasn't locked in my room. I didn't speak though, I actually didn't want to after I frist came downstairs.

Dianna's POV

One of my daughters is in rehab while another one of my daughters is refusing to talk and spent the entire day yesterday locked in her room. Dallas and Maddie told me that they had to force feed her. Did I do the right thing by sending Demi away? I'll figure it all out soon enough. Next weekend is Demi's first open visitation weekend at TK and I plan on bringing everyone there if they like it or not. Hopefully Dani will open up to me or at least to someone by then. 


                                                                        One Week Later

Dallas's POV

Today is Friday, we fly out tonight for Chicago, Illinois. Dani still hasn't uttered a single word and it's getting pretty quite at home. I mean Dani and Demi would always be playing the panio or the guitar and be singing. I miss hearing that, but hopefully I will hear it soon enough. Last Monday my mom and I spoke about me moving back home for a while. It was just until after Demi came home, to keep an eye out on Dani. So I moved my clothes back home, my stuff into storage and sold my apartment. Believe it or not, my apartment sold within one day of it being on the market. I guess my last name has something to do with it to. 

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