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I don't feel good...

I feel sick....

I feel like i'm losing my mind...

I can't see color anymore....

All I see is grey....

When did everything go wrong....

What happened....

I was happy before....

What went wrong.....


Panic attacks....



Sucidal thoughts....

How much longer can I keep up with this....

I'm sorry for being a crybaby....

I'm sorry for being a fuck up...

I knew I was mistake...

Because my family member told me that....

I get made fun of...

They call me a emo...

I just laugh when you say that...

But I harm...


Because of that...

If I don't make it through....

Don't cry...

Don't say you cared about me...

Don't say how could people be so cruel....

Because some nights you would be the reason I felt like shit...

You would always say you would be there if I needed someone to talk to...

But you were only half there...

That hurts...

People say im going through A phase...

But I might not make it through this phase....

You know what hurts me the most....

It hurts to know how replacable I am...

I am nothing special...

I mean people call me unique...

But its a terrible kind of unique...

Somebody could take my place so easy...

It makes me hurt...

Life is hard to enjoy when you keep trying to think of ways to end it...

I can't do this much longer...

The demons are winning...

I'm sorry for complaining...


I might write a new chapter....

Or I might not....

Im sorry...

If I don't update for a long time....

That means I couldn't keep up with this anymore...


Love you all...

Even though I don't love me... </3

Please don't ask if im alright...


I hate (love) you Tom x sucidal TordWhere stories live. Discover now