Upside Down

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My eyelids opened slowly, the first thing I noticed was that I was warm. I looked up and smiled to see Lela, who had her arms wrapped around me.

"Good morning." She greeted, pecking me on the lips. I bit my tongue and smiled up at her, letting the raven-haired girl cuddle me close. But, much to my surprise, she lifted me up and sat me upon her own lap. The raven-haired girl wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me close to her chest, planting another kiss on my forehead.

"Good morning, yourself." I responded, brushing back a strand of her raven locks and pecking her on the lips.

All the other girls were still asleep, so we would be able to stay like this for a while. It didn't feel right keeping our romantic relationship in the dark to the surfers and bikers. But Lela and I knew that if they did find out that we wouldn't be able to see each other again. The thought of that happening to us made us feel worse than keeping secrets. Lela wrapped her arms around my neck and proceeded to kiss me...over and over and over.

We heard a noise and instantly broke apart. The biker girls slid out of their sleeping bags and stared at the two of us sitting atop the bed.

"What's you's two's doin'?" Cheechee asked.

Lela and I exchanged nervous glances.

"Why you's still in your pj's?" The latina got up to reveal she had already changed clothes and into her usual leather attire.

We exhaled in relief, slipping out of bed. The raven-haired girl made way for her wardrobe while I retrieved her outfit from my bag. Lela came out seconds later, dressed in her light pink leather jacket, white pants and black heels. Not long after that did I emerge from the bathroom wearing a white top that landed just above my midsection. I wore a pair of jean shorts and light green flats. And, per usual, my hair was pulled into pigtails. I was in shock after the five second clothing change.


"For what?" I asked.

"To go to Big Momma's of course." Struts confirmed, rolling her eyes as if I was stupid.

"" My eyes widened, "I thought you guys hated me."

"Eh, you're alright."

My mouth twitched into a smile and I followed the girls out, Lela and I last in line. I reached down and held her hand, and we both paused at the door. The raven-haired girl leaned in and kissed me once more before we finally left.

I was forced to let go of my girlfriend's hand when Seacat and Rascal saw me walking towards the restaurant with the biker girls.

"What do you think you're doing?" Seacat asked, crossing his arms.

I looked over my shoulder and longingly stared at Lela, who paused at the door before finally entered the building.

"Mack!" Seacat shouted, snapping me back into reality.


"Did you hear us?"

I bounced nervously on the balls of my feet and looked up at the two surfer boys. Seacat rolled his eyes, "Mack." He began again, "You need to stop hanging with these surfer chicks."


"Wh-Why?" He backed up in surprise, "Those Rodents are our sworn enemies." He paused, "You don't dig one of those biker dudes, do you?"

"No." I responded, because it was the truth, "But I still think this whole thing is stupid. They aren't so bad."

"The bikers are trying to take Big Momma's from us." He pointed out, "You're acting kooky, Mack."

I rolled my eyes and entered the building, followed by the two boys. I slid into an empty booth and was soon joined by Seacat, Giggles and Rascal. I was too frustrated with them to look up, so I just fiddled with a straw that was inside my water glass. It had appeared out of nowhere, though this time I was too angry and sad to care.

"Mack..." Giggles began, but I ignored her.

It was a childish thing to do, yes, though I didn't care that much right now. I just wish my surfer friends would be less biased towards they bikers.

Because it was true, they weren't that bad. I slid out of my seat and left the restaurant, feeling my girlfriend's worried eyes on me. I knew I was being followed by the three surfers. I took off my slippers and began to stomp angrily down the beach, taking a seat as isolated as possible from the other surfers and bikers. There was no one I wanted to talk to except...


I threw myself in Lela's arms and cry. The raven-haired girl stroked my hair gently, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"I wish things weren't like this." I said, laying my head on her lap, "Ever since last night...I've been judged more than usual."

Lela nodded in agreement, playing with a few strands of my hair as I talked. I raised myself up and kissed her...over and over and over.

"Lela!" A voice shouted, and we both jerked upwards. It was Cheechee, and she was staring at the two of us in complete shock.

Fuming, the Latina stomped over to the two of us, grabbed Lela's hand and dragged her away. She stared back at my longingly.

"C'mon, Lela." She ordered, as the raven-haired girl dug her heels into the sand as an attempt to stop all this nonsense.

"Cheechee, no! You don't understand..."

"That's right!" The latina confirmed, turning around and glaring at the girl, "I don't understand. Girls ain't supposed to be into girls. Plus, she's a soifer no less!" She bellowed.

"Please...please...I love her, please..." Lela begged, "Cheechee please! We-we're in love."

My pigtails blowing in the wind, I frowned at the sight. Tears came to my eyes as I watched the Latina try to drag my girlfriend away. But as the Latina looked up, she met my tearful eyes. Cheechee let go of the biker girl's hand and stared up at me.

"You's two's really love each other, huh?"

We both nodded.

"Wells...I suppose I could's let this slide, Lela." She helped the biker girl up and offered a kind smile, "As long as you's don't go keepin' secrets from me nowadays."

Both of us nodded.

" won't tell anyone else, will you?" Lela asked.

The latina biker shook her head, "Naw."

The biker girl and I exchanged relieved smiles and hugged one another close. Things were finally looking up.

For now, at least.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2018 ⏰

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