Find Your Heart

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I sat alone inside Big Momma's, staring down at my untouched plate. Seacat and Giggles had invited me over to sit with them, but I had politely declined. I wanted to be alone. Taking a sip of my soda, I looked to the side and noticed Lela walking by holding three sodas. The raven-haired girl passed two of the sodas to two biker girls; Cheechee and Struts.

Looking to the side, Lela locked eyes with me. She said something to her biker friends then made her way over to me.

"Hey." I greeted, playing with my soda cap.

"Hi." The biker girl responded, taking a spot across from me, "I was looking for you."


"Mm-hm." She nodded her head, "I just wanted to ask if you'd want to come to my slumber party tonight."

"I thought that was like, only exclusive to bikers. What what your friends think if I showed up?"

"I don't care." Lela responded, "Oh my Gosh. I don't care!" She paused, "So will you be there?"

"I wouldn't miss it." I responded, twirling my bottle cap around on the table. The raven-haired girl bounced on the balls of her feet and squealed with glee. Pleased by her reaction, I got out of my seat and kissed her on the cheek. Lela blushed bright pink as I waved goodbye to her before walking out.

And as soon as I did the scene changed and I was now in Lela's bedroom. I looked down to see I was wearing a light green ruffled nightgown and a pair of fuzzy slippers. Looking up, I noticed I was being watched by the other biker girls.

"Okay." Chechee turned around in the stool, "What is she doin' here?"

"I invited her." Lela said, as if it was obvious.

"But she's a soifer." Struts said disapprovingly, "And all soifers is bad."

"Maybe I should leave..." I suggested, getting up out of my seat and walking away, only to be stopped by the biker girl.

"Golly, no! You should stay Mack, please!" The raven girl pouted, giving me those puppy dog eyes of hers.

"Ugh, fine." I rolled my eyes and sat down on the carpet, feeling defeated.

"Alright, girl." Cheechee said, walking towards me, "Tell me something's."

"Could you possibly be more specific?"

"Why should we trust you's? You's is a soifer, after all."

"I don't care what you think of me." I said lazily, getting up, "And I don't need to be interrogated just to prove I'm not a bad person. That's...that's just ridiculous."

"Well's, then I don't like ya."

"Awesome." I said, shrugging my shoulders. Turning around I sat back down on the bed, jumping in surprise when the raven-haired girl began to run a brush through my brown locks.

"Oh, you guys quiet down. Mack is an amazing person."

"Hardly." I muttered under my breath, catching the attention of all the girls in the room. The raven-haired girl scooted closer to me and pulled me close to her chest. I wrapped my arms around her and began to cry.

Not because I was sad, per se. I was just feeling extremely guilty. I had been thinking about home lately, and whether I should return. Because every day I spent here I felt as if I didn't belong. I was a main character now, the love interest, but even so I felt like I was invisible. I missed home, I missed Brady, I missed my Grandfather. I missed everything about the real world, though it's not like I could tell Lela any of this.

I didn't want to break her heart again.

But what was the point of staying if you didn't even know where you belonged?

I shivered as I felt Lela tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear. She looked into my eyes, "It's alright, Mack. It's okay." She whispered, stroking my head. I nodded, even though I knew it wasn't okay.

Nothing was okay.

Should I leave, though? Would that really be the logical decision?

An image flashed across my mind of Brady and my Grandfather standing side by side in the surf shack, watching Wet Side Story. Then suddenly, I burst into tears. Like, picture the Pool of Tears from Alice in Wonderland.

Yeah, I was that sad.

"I can't, I can't..." I stuttered, getting up and rushing into Lela's bathroom, quickly followed by her.

But just as she was about to enter I slammed the door in her face. I heard her squeal and silently prayed that I hadn't smashed her finger in the door or anything. I hadn't, thank God.

"Mack?" Lela called from outside, "M? Are you alright? Come out now, please." She begged.

When I didn't answer, she continued to speak.

"I know this is scary for you. Golly, you must miss your world." The raven-haired girl stroked the bathroom door, "But Jeepers, you are the cat's meow, Mckenzie."

I giggled.

"I'm so glad you are here with me." Lela paused, "I love you." She whispered.

I nodded, "I love you too."

I finally opened the door and threw myself into her arms. Lela squeezed me tight and let me cry onto her shoulder. She planted a soft kiss on my forehead as she walked me back into her bedroom.

Surprisingly enough, when the biker girls saw me crying they ran to my side. They all wrapped me in loving hugs and repeatedly kept asking what was wrong, though I didn't answer.

A couple hours later we were all tired and ready for bed. While Cheechee, Struts and the other biker girls set up their sleeping bags I was sitting against the headboard of Lela's bed. The raven-haired girl lay next to me, our foreheads touching. I squeezed her hand lightly and kicked off my slippers. Smiling, I turned to face her and pulled her close. She wrapped an arm around my waist and nestled her head in the crook of my neck. I lifted my head up and lightly kissed her on the lips. The raven-haired girl smiled up at me and returned to her original position, with her head rested in the crook of my neck.

Our eyes drooping closed, we remained in that position until morning came. 

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