Starting Over

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The sun shone down on the crowd of surfers, somehow not blinding anyone's eyes. It was another perfect day in the Wet Side Story world. It hadn't been that long since Brady'd left and I was beginning to have a hard time fitting in with the crowd.

I moved my hips to the tune that was playing. I was a main character now and therefore had a dominant role in this song. It was an awful song. Not even kidding, it was god awful.

Or maybe that was just me thinking that.

But all this singing and dancing was worth it, because I got to spend it with Lela. She had been the only reason I had dared to stay. My beautiful girlfriend, we were about to meet again.

I chose a seat the farthest from the stage, smiling as I watched the girl on stage sing along to the tune. And she was staring at me the whole time. As the song slowed down, her foot slipped, and I rushed over. Landing in my arms, I smiled at her as she continued to sing.

"And now I'm fallin' for ya, fallin' for ya, can't hold on any loner, 'cause now I'm falling for you." She sang, booping my nose.

"Hey." I said stupidly, refusing to say the cheesy line.

"I guess I literally fell for ya, huh?" She quipped, "I'm Lela."

"I'm...I'm Mack."

And unlike the original, we weren't pulled apart because of we were from rival gangs. We were pulled apart because both of us were girls.

Lela was lifted out of my grasp by her older brother Butchy, while I was yanked back by Tanner and Seacat.

Brushing a strand of my hair back, I tried to walk away but was blocked by Tanner and Lela. They had matching glares on their faces, and I knew the bikers were giving the same look at Lela.

Backing up, the two of us bumped heads, exchanging a lovestruck smile as we met one another's eyes. She grabbed my hands and I twirled her around once, only to be forced apart a second time.

"That soifer wasn't bothering you's, was she?" Butchy asked his younger sister, Lela.

"No, of course not. You know, they're not all bad."

"All soifers is bed." Cheechee said.

"Yeah, all soifers is bad." Struts agreed.

"Except the ones that are very bad." Said Lugnut.

"They're even worse." Butchy finished, "C'mon sis, let's go home." Wrapping an arm around his sister, he led Lela and the rest of the biker crew out of Big Momma's.

Meanwhile, I was undergoing a similar talking-to.

"Are you alright?" Seacat asked, resting a hand on my shoulder. I quickly shoved it off and rolled my eyes, "I'm fine."

"Are you sure? That biker girl didn't hurt you, did she?"

"Why would she?" l pushed by them away and headed outside, not wanting to talk anymore on the subject.

Meanwhile, in the real world, Brady had his back arched and had paused mid-bite of his popcorn. This movie always made him feel this way. It made him feel so entranced, even more so when I had decided to stay in the Wet Side Story world. He believed that l had added a certain...element that made the movie so much better than it already was.

And as much as Brady missed me, he knew I was better off where I was.

It was night time and I sat on the shore, knees pulled to my chest as I stared out into the water. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a person sit down. I didn't know who it was, but I figured that it was one of my surfer friends.

"Go away." I ordered, wanting to be alone.

"You don't want to talk to me, then?"

I looked up to see the raven-haired girl smiling down at me. I blushed slightly, going even redder when she grabbed my hand.

"How about a walk on the beach?" She suggested, helping me up. I nodded and followed her along, both of us being cautious not to be seen by the other surfers and bikers.

A soft tune began to play as we strolled. It wasn't cue for a duet (yet) just mood music.

"It was very courageous of you to charge the stage like that and save my life." She grabbed my hand and swung it, leaning her head against my shoulder she began to sing, "I believe we all have a soulmate. A chance for a perfect duet. I believe in hopeless devotion, I just haven't found it yet. And in my mind I see, the chick who's meant for me."

I giggled, which wasn't something that happened often. She twirled me around as the tune picked up and hugged me close to her chest.

And soon enough, it was time for me to join in, "The kinda girl that makes you smile even when you're feeling blue."

The song died a couple of minutes later and I was now being dipped in Lela's arms, our eyes never leaving one another. Leaning in, she kissed me on the lips under the reflection of the moonlight. Biting my lip, a smile twitching across my face, Lela helped me back up. Grabbing hold of my hand once more the raven-haired girl led me onward.

"Lela?" A male voice called from not-so-far away.

"Go, go, go." The raven-haired girl ordered, pushing me in the opposite direction, "It's Butchy."

Nodding, I ran ahead, stopping once to flash a farewell smile to the biker girl. Then I saw a flash of leather and I ran onward. 

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