Chapter 10: Le Vent

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Everywhere was pitch-black... As if the world was never born... And the history, nations, people, wars, disasters... All of those were nothing but a meaningless imagination... Why did people fight at the first place anyway even though they knew that they were going to die sooner or later? Was it just too hard to be in peace in that meaningless life? Anyways, as we said, one way or another, they were nothing but a part of an illusion...

His mind was just like his soul, he was lost in a way. However.... Some kind of annoying voices started to prick into his eardrums.


He was really peeved at those beepings. He tried to avoid them, but he couldn't. The beepings were going deeper inside his ears. He imagined himself as if his ears were bleeding because of the sound. It made him relaxed a bit, but it didn't last for too long...


The sounds were getting louder and more painful... Beating his ears ruthlessly...


He started punching the blackness he was trapped in. He had to stop that sound one way or another.

He struggled, and tried to see the light, but it was just too hard for him. First, why did he feel so numb? Was it really that hard to move his fingers? Even his eyelids didn't care about his hopeless howlings. What was going on seriously? Was it another dream or nightmare maybe?

He tried harder and harder... And finally, he opened his eyes to a dim room which was lighting with the dawn. His vision was blurry, but he didn't mind it since he knew that he was awake. 


And that voice again...

He looked around slowly, and tried to raise his arm, but he couldn't feel it. He only could move his hand a bit, that was all he could do. Wait, why was he there? Did something bad happened to him? He tried to remember as he started to think properly...

He frowned with disappointment and bit his bottom lip. He lost his first chance, but fortunately, he had another. Someone should have gotten him there, and probably that person thought that he or she was doing a favor for him. However, whoever he or she was didn't know that they broke Francis deeper.

Even I can't die?! I just wanted to end everything which has been torturing me for all this time... Haven't I the right to kill myself? Is it also a part of the torture?

A long lasted silence both inside his mind and in the room...

That's enough!

He forced himself to move his limbs even though he still felt them numb, but not as much as before. He gritted his teeth and struggled more. However, as he heard some stepping voice from the other side of the door, he layed back again and closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep. If anyone saw that he was awake, they wouldn't let him go anyway, and that was the worst thing he could think of.

Of course he had no choice but guessing the people's identity by their voices since his eyes were closed. So he focused on them, got his ears ready....

At first, he heard that someone was writing something on a paper. So it was a nurse or a doctor probably, he thought. Someone sighed, he understood that the owner of the sighing was a girl, so it was really a nurse... She checked the cables which were attached to him, wrote something again, and finally she left after a little while.

He slowly opened his eyes, checking the room to be sure that he was alone there at the moment. He focused on his arms and continued his job. Eventually, he could sit up on the bed.

Thank God...

He put his feet on the ground and looked at the cables connected to his hand, frowningly. He pulled them off without any hesitation and stood up with the help of the chair next to the bed.

His dull eyes focused on his target location, which meant balcony. He leaded there slowly, with fear of being noticed at any time. As he grabbed those soft and light curtains on his way, he uncovered them to see the scenery behind them.

He breathed deeply and closed his eyes as he felt the kind wind which was dancing with his blond hair.

"Le vent..."(The wind...) murmured he.

His soul was peaceful, but it didn't last too long. As the torturing thoughts came to his mind again, he put his hands on the both sides of his head. He felt like he was going to lose his balance, so he suddenly held on the curtains. However, what he couldn't think of was the curtains were too fragile to lift him too long.

Naturally, he fell down and saved his head from hitting the ground just in time. He thanked God for having reflexes at that moment. He stood up again, leaded to the balcony and wandered his sight on the hospital's garden.

Suddenly, he heard that someone entered the room. He paniced for a while a bit, since he didn't want anyone to know that he was awake. He didn't know what to do, where to hide, sooner or later they would find out it somehow anyway. He sighed and turned his back to see that person.

When he saw who it was, his heart missed a beat. His eyes widened and he thought that he couldn't breathe for a while. He was frozen somehow...

The Englishman right in front of him was surprised as well, seeing that Francis was awake made his heart mixed in any kind of emotions. He dropped the bunch of roses in his hand.


And.... See you in the next chapter :'>

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