Chapter One // the younger mate

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Copyrighted © 2022 by Ali James

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Ali James (Flowerbug). This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Trailer made by Ari_forev.

"Son, by the time I was your age, your mother and I were already married," my father told me

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"Son, by the time I was your age, your mother and I were already married," my father told me. About once a month he would go on about how I needed to find a mate, because I couldn't take over as Alpha without a Luna.

"Well you and mom were fortunate enough to find each other at a young age," I let him know for the 50th time that week, my patience with him riding thin today.

"Some people never find their mates, Daniel, you're just going to have to accept that you may never find her."

"I will find her!" I shouted in denial. Once a werewolf turns eighteen the chances of them finding their mate are cut nearly in half, I had to look into why exactly that was. I wasn't looking forward to my eighteenth birthday tomorrow though, with that half-knowledge in mind.

"I know many couples who aren't true mates that are perfectly happy with each other," my dad consoled, obviously realizing that he'd hit a nerve. "What about that girl Melissa, you're real close with her?" His gray hair was disheveled, no doubt from the insane amount of work it took to be an Alpha, and brown eyes reminded of my own.

"Fine!" I yelled, and my father's eyes widened.

"What do you mean?" he questioned, looking almost smug; he was getting his way.

"I'll mate Melissa," I responded, in defeat. "You're right, I'm never gonna find my mate so I might as well get on with my life. Set it up with her parents, I want to do it as soon as possible."

I stormed out of the kitchen, putting my shoes on and walking out the door. Leaving my bowl of cereal sitting on the counter untouched.

I was supposed to go to school today, but this was the last week, so most of the senior class was skipping. I considered it optional. I ended up calling Jack, my soon-to-be beta, to see if I could hang with him for the day.

"Going to school today?" I questioned when he answered the phone.

"Nah, Angy's parents are coming in from Chicago, we're at the airport picking them up."

Angy was Jack's mate. She was beautiful and smart, and everything that I could ever hope for in a mate, which made me insanely envious of him. But even though I was jealous of Jack, I was still happy for him, I just wished I could find my other half too.

"Damn it. I was hoping we could hang out." I sighed. Boredom eating away at my mind as I drove to get myself a more carnivorous breakfast than cereal.

"You can still come over. We'll be there in like twenty-five minutes. I need to make a good first impression anyway. You've always been good at getting parents to like you," he said, and I laughed a little bit.

"'Alright man, I'll come by there after I get some breakfast from McDonald's," I told him, pulling into the parking lot.

"'Alright man, I'll come by there after I get some breakfast from McDonald's," I told him, pulling into the parking lot

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When I arrived at Jack and Angy's apartment complex, I was pleased to see that they were already there. They had gotten their own place a couple of months ago, because they didn't like to be apart, and Jack's parents weren't fond of always having Angy over, is what he told me.

As I was walking up the stairs to their apartment, I was engulfed with a wonderful smell, it was unlike anything I'd smelled before, and I had killer senses. At first I figured it was just the smell of an attractive she-wolf, but as I got closer, I realized that it was much more than that. But what?

I knocked on their door, my wolf desperate to find the source of the smell. "Hey man," Jack greeted as he opened the door.

I walked into their neater than usual apartment and immediately starting sniffing the air. Whatever the smell was it was definitely coming from inside this house.

"Do you smell that?" I asked him, as we walked into the living room.

"Smell what?" he responded, just as I took in the sight before me. A young girl, not much older than ten with a mop of blonde hair, and big blue eyes, stood in front of me. My wolf was chanting mate, mate, mate, but I was confused. How could this be my mate, when she was so young?

She gave us a dimpled smile, her eyes lingering on me for a few seconds. Could she feel the connection that I felt, or was she too young? My heart was racing, and I didn't know what to think. How could this have happened? Surely the moon goddess had made a mistake.

"Daniel, Daniel!" Jack shouted, waving his hands in front of my face. "You spaced out for a couple of minutes there, what's got you thinking so hard?"

"Nothing," I shook my head, my gaze settling on the young girl who was staring at me from the corner of her eyes.

"Alrighty then." Jack clapped his hands. "This is Angy's younger sister Paisley, she's ten-"

Jack was caught off by a high pitched, yet angelic voice. "And a half, ten and a half," she corrected, and he laughed while she giggled. I couldn't help but smile at the two of them.

"And a half," he corrected himself, "and these are Angy's parents, Charlotte and Jim."

"Nice to meet you," I said shaking, quickly shaking each of their hands.

"What about me?" Paisley questioned.

"Oh yeah, how could I forget about the ten and a half year old," I said bending down to her level, and extending my hand. She looked too much like Angy, it was so strange and then when our hands met, it seemed as if sparks flew. I looked into her innocent blue eyes, and felt love course through me every vein in my body, it was strictly platonic, but love nonetheless. I had only just met this child!

I stood up, a bit dazed. "I actually have to be going," I said, heading back to the door. "I forgot there was some errands I had to run. It was nice meeting you guys though." I waved to them, not missing the curious, almost suspicious look that Angy's dad gave me.

"Call me later then Bro," Jack said, as he walked me to the door.

I nodded and waved, all but running out of there and to my car. Once I was safely inside, I pulled out my phone and called my dad. He didn't answer so I left him a message.

"Hey dad... Cancel the plans to talk with Melissa's parents... I have found my mate."

[A/N: Daniel stated that the love he feels for Paisley is strictly platonic, meaning that there are no sexual feelings, and he thinks of her as a friend, that he loves very much. Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it! Vote and comment!]

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