~Chapter 7~

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Claude's Apartment-6:00

Claude, Dexter

Claude stretched his arms out as his hammock swayed above the wooden ground. He pushed the blankets onto the floor and jumped off his blue and white striped hammock. He yawned and did his morning routine. Claude watched a show on his phone and listened with black earplugs. He cooked his breakfast and ate at the table. A monkey soon shrieked from afar.

Claude put his croissant down on the white shiny plate and took his earplugs out. He paused the phone and got out of his seat. "Dexter? What's wrong?" Claude said as he walked towards the shrieking noise. As Claude entered the room, nobody was inside. The TV was on and the sound of a monkey shrieking filled the room. Claude covered his ears and he turned the TV off. "Dexter? Why did you leave the TV on?" Claude wondered as he walked back towards the table.

As he reached the table, Dexter was eating Claude's delicious croissants. Claude looked at Dexter in anger. "Get your own food, Dexter! Those croissants are mine!" He chased Dexter as Dexter leaped around the room. Claude gave up and he sighed. "There goes my breakfast..." He walked back to the table and grabbed his phone and earplugs. He went back to his room and got changed into his uniform.

As Claude finished, he packed his bag and opened the door. "See you later Dexter," Claude waved at Dexter as Dexter pointed at Claude's shirt and shrieked. Claude looked down at his top and saw that his top wasn't tucked in properly. "Whatever, it's not like it's a big deal buddy." Claude locked the door and plugged his earplugs back in his ear. He walked down the steps and walked towards the exit of the apartment block.


Claude, ???

Claude walked across the street towards the bus station and sat down. He closed his eyes as he waited for the bus and listened to his music. A big breeze hit Claude's face and he opened his eyes. The bus had arrived. Claude got up from his seat and boarded the bus as he scanned his transportation card. He sat down and across him was a girl with red ruby hair. Her head was against the wall and her eyes were closed.

Claude looked away from her and folded his arms. Somehow, his head keeps dragging him towards the girl. He gave up and stared at her. He tried to stop looking at her, but he couldn't. The girl then opened her eyes and the sun's rays hit her blue eyes. They shimmered in the light and she looked over at Claude.  Claude was surprised and he looked away.  She blushed and she looked down.

Claude looked back at her when suddenly the bus stopped.  Claude smashed into the wall beside him and he rubbed his cheek.  He looked over at the girl who had also bumped into the wall beside her, but the people beside her had fallen over like dominoes.  The bus driver opened the doors and students left the bus in a rush.  The girl tried getting up but her bag was stuck in between her and the passenger beside her.  She pulled the bag but it wouldn't move.

The passenger beside her was asleep so she tried her best to get her bag out, trying not wake the passenger up.  Claude stood up, grabbed his bag and walked towards the girl.  The girl looked at him with her blue eyes.  Claude blushed a little and then offered, "let me help you get your bag out."  The girl stood up and smiled.  Claude wriggled the bag out and the passenger fell onto the seat where the girl was sitting.  He handed her the bag.  "Thank you," she said and smiled.  Claude smiled back.  "Is this your stop?"  The girl nodded and they walked out together. 

"So... what's your name?"  Claude asked as he scratched his head.  "Irithel."  She said, smiling.  Claude blushed at her smile and looked away.  He saw Gusion and Hayabusa talking in the distance and looked back at Irithel.  "H-hey... I'm going to go to my friends now, I'll see you later!"  Claude smiled and then ran away.  Irithel waved at Claude and then walked towards her friends.

Legends High-Main Entrance-7:00
Gusion, Hayabusa, Claude

Gusion took a bite from a muesli bar and scrunched it up, throwing away the wrapping into a nearby bin.  Hayabusa leaned on the cherry blossom tree and sighed.  "When do you think you'll find your love?"  Hayabusa asked.  Gusion looked at Hayabusa in confusion as he chewed on his muesli bar.  "I don't know but they say that your love is already there."  Hayabusa nodded softly and then he looked into the sky. 

"I told Claude that there's someone that he might like yesterday..."  Gusion sighed as he swallowed the muesli bar.  Hayabusa looked at Gusion.  "Seriously? And he fell for it?"  Gusion chuckled.  "It seems he really is into looking for a girl,"  Gusion looked at the sky and smiled.  Hayabusa rolled his head and eyes.  "You shouldn't be pranking people about something like this, Gusion! And you kn-"  "where's your sense of humor Hayabusa?  Just let me prank him this once,"  Gusion cutted him.  Hayabusa sighed.  "Fine only this once..."

The 2 boys then heard footsteps coming from behind.  They turned around to see Claude walking towards them.  He waved at them and they waved back.  "What's up Claude?"  Gusion asked.  Claude put his arms behind his head and closed his eyes.  "Nothing..."  Gusion was surprised that Claude didn't ask him about the 'girl' he was talking about yesterday.  "Are you not curious about something...?"  Gusion asked.  Claude thought for a bit.  "No,"  Claude answered as he yawned.  "Okay... I swear you have a terrible memory..."  Gusion said.  Claude raised a brow at Gusion.

"No I don't.  I'm just not interested anymore.  I already found her,"  Gusion and Hayabusa looked at where Claude pointed at.  He pointed at a girl with red hair and blue eyes.  "Pfft... That girl?"  Gusion looked back at Claude.  "Well at least I have someone unlike you.  You're also called the chick magnet along with Alucard aren't you?  I expected you to already get a girl by now."  Claude teased.  Gusion rolled his eyes. 

Irithel, Lesley, Kagura, Miya, Freya

Irithel slowly walked towards the girls.  Kagura looked over at Irithel and waved.  "Irithel!"  Irithel saw everyone waving at her and smiled.  She waved back and sped up her pace.  "So, what took you so long?"  Miya asked.  "Well," Irithel began.  "You met a guy?!"  Miya inserted ecstatically.  "Well... Yeah..."  Irithel responded. 

"Oh my gosh! Our Iri has found love!"  Miya squealed as she leaped slightly into the air.  "Calm down, Miya.  Do you know if he likes you?"  Freya asked as she was trying to calm Miya down. "Well, he did help me get my bag and I guess he was cute-"  "AHHHH! Our Iri really has found love at last!"  Miya squealed again.  "Let Irithel talk for once would ya, Miya?" Lesley said as she folded her arms.

Miya sighed and calmed down.  "He does seem familiar though..." Irithel said as she put a finger to her chin.  "Really? So you know him?" Kagura asked.  "Well I don't know... He walked to over there."  Irithel pointed at the group of boys where she saw Claude playing around with the boys.  The other girls looked over towards the group.  "That maniac new group?!"  Freya exclaimed.  Irithel's eyes widened.  "Wait... HE'S PART OF THAT GROUP!?"  Irithel exclaimed.  "I told you girls liked bad boys,"  Miya said casually.  Lesley chuckled. 

The bell rang and students from the main entrance all merged into a herd of students and rushed inside. The girls followed along into the group and divided into their groups and went to their classes.

I'm so sorry for the really long delay everyone!!! Please forgive me! I've had a lot of things happening and school's about to come back so I'm so sorry! Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed Chapter 7 and as always, stay tuned for the next chapter-Chapter 8! (Also sorry if this chapter's short 😓)

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