Chapter 7

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 It's been months since Frigga showed up. She was nice at first, but then she started letting in the others, if I didn't do was she wants.

 My meals have gotten smaller. First, I got rid of the sugar. Then, the meat. Now, I only eat vegetables and eggs.

 Although Thor is worried about my weight, I think I could look better. Shuri, however; weighs me everyday.

 Today, everyone joins us in Shuri's lab. I'm never allowed to see the scale.

 "Okay, take off your shirt and pants." Shuri insists. After I do, I step on the scale and she sighs and rests her head in her hands.

 "How bad is it?" Thor asks, looking at me in pity.

 "Well, seeing as a normal person has a BMI between 25 and 19. And to be cliently diagnosed with anorexia, you're have to be 17.5 or less-"

 "What's all this talk about anorexia?" I interrupt, before point at myself "I'm completely normal!"

 "Shut up, Ki." Thor says, disappointedly "You're not sane enough to speak in this conversation." I look at him in shock as he turns to Shuri "Be straight with me. How bad is it?"

 She clears her throat, before sighing "He was already too scrawny when he got here..." she shacks her head "It's 16.2"

 "It's just a damn number!" I insist, but Thor stares at me, tiredly "I'm completely fine! I just want to go workout!"

 "Loki, listen very carefully." Thor says, walking closer to me "Stop this madness."

 "It's not madness! I don't see them anymore! I only see-" I bite my tounge.

 "See who?" Thor asks.

 "Frigga." I whisper and he grips my boney shoulders "What are you doing?"

 "Stop blaming yourself for my death!" he pleads "You're hurting yourself and making this up because you think you deserve to die over me!"

 "Bloody hell are you talking about?" I ask, trying to get free from him.

 "Think about it! You've never met Peter Parker, until SHIELD picked you up!" he huffs "You need to stop this madness!"

 I think for a second, before realizing that I've never really met Spiderman.

 And suddenly, my surroundings melt away I find myself in the fetal positive.

 I'm in a padded room and I think of when Fury told me Thor's dead.

 Naturally, I had to think of a place where I was with him, and I made myself the person to blame for his death.

 All of the shit that I did; punishment for letting him die.

 And for the first time in, what feels like, months (actually it was three days) I'm completely alone.

 So alone, I'd take the voices if I could.

What Lies Beneath the Illusion- Thorki Fanfic (Prequel to TGTPTW) Where stories live. Discover now