Chapter 2

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 At a very silent supper, everyone picks at their food. After awhile, Thor stands and walks towards his stairs. Most likely, on the way to his room.

 "Banner?" Natasha asks and I look at her with a weak smile "Do you remember Budapest?"

 "Yes." I state, before putting my towel on the table and clearing my throat "If you will excuse me, I think I'm going to bed."

 As I walk off, I hear chattering at the table. Despite my curiosity, I follow Thor.

 To no suprise, he walks into his room.

 Silently, I decide to leave him alone and walk into my room, which is right next to his.

 As soon as the door is locked, I change into my normal self, to find I look like shit.

 My hair is ratty and I have dark circles under my eyes. Probably the fact that I've been through the wringer.

 With a grumble, I strip off my clothes and head for the shower.

 Once I'm done, I tie my hair in a knot and collapse on the more comfortable bed I've ever felt.


 When I awaken, I find my hair is a curly, frizzy mess. There's a knock on the door and I scramble for pants.

 Once I pull some on, I transform back into Banner and open the door to find Natasha leaning against the doorframe.

 I hear her safety go off as Steve comes into view "Hey guys, what's up?" I ask as I walk back into my room, searching a a shirt.

 "Where are we?" Steve asks.

 I furrow my brow "We're in Wakanda."

 "What realm?" Natasha asks as she pulls her gun from her holster.

 "Nat." I frown, pointing at her gun "You know that won't work on me."

 "If you are really you, you'll die and the Hulk will come out." Steve states, stepping towards me "Unless you're not Banner."

 "What are you talking about?" I ask, leaning against the bed and pulling my shirt on "I don't know how to explain that I'm me."

 "Budapest?" Natasha asks and I shrug "Banner and I were never in Budapest together. Barton and I were."

 I think for a second, before transforming myself into Clint and smirking "Who did I say I was?"

 "Stop playing games." Steve orders.

 "But that's just who I am." I sigh, before showing myself and receiving a slap "What was that for?"

 "Where's Banner?" Rominoff asks.

 "The Hulk is running around on some plant of cockroach looking bastards." I scuff, receiving another smack "I meant that in a nice way!"

 "Wait, did you actually have sex with the Hulk?" Steve asks.

 "Never." I give a look of disgust "I can handle big things, but that only goes so far." They give a weird look and I smirk "What?"

 "Why are you so open about being a bottom?" Natasha frowns.

 "Why would anyone be ashamed of being a bottom?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest "Because it's feminine?" I scuff, before continuing "I take anything feminine and make it masculine." she raises her eyebrow and I lick my lips "Deal with it, darling."

 "And the Hulk?" Steve asks.

 "Straight as an arrow." I smirk, before looking to Rominoff and winking "Or should I say, as straight as a barrel?"

 "And the masochism?" Natasha asks.

 "More than you could ever imagine." I smirk, before turning to the mirror and groaning "I look like shit."

 With a sigh, I drop the Asgardian charade and expose my blue tone and red eyes as I tie my hair in a knot, again.

 "What just happened?" Steve asks and I look at him. Honestly, I had forgotten that they were here.

 "Oh." I frown, turning back into Asgardian form "When father died, my Asgardian vanity parished as well." he gives a look of confusion and I sigh "I was born a frost giant. A dwarf of a frost giant, really."

 "And that's supposed to mean, what exactly?" Rominoff asks.

 "Odin adopted me and put a spell on me." I explain, before holding out my hands and showing my true form in one hand "He made me look like an Asgardian. When he died..." I show my true form "The spell was broken and I hid my true form."

 "Why?" Natasha asks.

 "Thor." I sigh, scratching my forehead "He has never seen this."

 "Why not?" Natasha asks.

 After I flatten my hair, I shrug "I'm vulnerable. Thor has never seen me sick, or pregnant, or like this. I've never let him see me hurt." I scuff "Only person I've ever let see me vulnerable was Frigga. And Odin when I found I was adopted."

 "About the pregnancy?" Steve asks.

 "Pregnancies." I state "It's three long stores of getting in way over my head and ending up brutally attacked by an animal of some sort."

 "Wait, does Thor know about this?" Natasha asks and I shake my head "Then why are you telling us?"

 "You still pointing a gun at me." I remind and she holsters it "If you must know, the fact that nobody knows this is kind of driving me insane."

 "Okay, continue." Steve insists.

 "Three kids." I state "One giant wolf, which Odin killed. One giant snake, which swam in Asgard's ocean. And a giant, eight-legged horse, which Odin used as his battle horse."

 "Is everything in Asgard giant?" Natasha asks.

 "No. It comes from my heritage." I sigh, laying back in bed "Image me, but twenty or thirty feet tall. That's a frost giant."

 "Why haven't you told Thor that you're alive?" Steve asks.

 "Everytime I time I try to get close to him, something bad happens." I explain "And if he thinks I'm dead, he'll mourn me, and get over me. And-"

 "RUN! RUN!" A deep scream rings through the open and I find myself sitting up right "NORMS, RUN! DON'T! HE'LL KILL YOU! YOU'RE NOT FAST ENOUGH! BROTHER, RUN!"

 Before I can process it, I fall through Thor's doorway as he screams. As I shake him, I whisper "Wake up, Thor."

 His eyes bat open and closed "Loki?" he asks. Instantly, I transform back in Banner. As he opens his eyes, he grumbles "Why are you in my room?"

 "You were having a bad dream." I whisper.

 "Get out!" he hisses.

 As soon as I'm outside the door, it slammed behind me "What was that?" Natasha asks as I walk back into my room and transform back into myself.

 "When we were kids, Njorun took vengeance on Thor. I guess she's at it again." I sigh and they look at me in confusion "The goddess of dreams."

 "Thor has nightmares?" Natasha asks, scuffing.

 "When we were kids, we shared a room. And he would always wake me with his screaming." I smirk as I lean against the bed "I would put a spell on him, to sooth him." I shake my head "I never told him."

 "What happened?" Steve asks, crossing his arms "Why did you grow apart."

 "I liked to spend my time in the library, and Thor spent his time on the practice field." I blush a bit, before clearing my throat "One night, I thought he was having a bad dream, so I got in his head. The dream he was having made me feel different, and the next day, I was moving out his room."

 "What was is?" Natasha asks "The dream?"

 "He saw my snogging some fine kitchen boy in the pantry, and I thought he felt uncomfortable sharing a room with me, so I moved." I shrug "And we saw each other less and less. Until we only saw each other at supper, weekly warrior practice, and on the battle field." I shrug "Until that stopped, too."

What Lies Beneath the Illusion- Thorki Fanfic (Prequel to TGTPTW) Where stories live. Discover now