Chapter one

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I hopped on my big bay gelding Montana it felt so good to be riding again, after my fall on Dakota I couldn't ride for 2 weeks. I took him out in the field to do some breezing with him and I asked him for a trot then lope then a full run and it felt so good! I looked up while running and saw the sun, it was stunning! Riding into the sunrise was one of my favorite things to do!

After we came back in from the field I unsaddled took off my polos and bell boots and hosed him down. I then got out my dapple grey gelding Dakota saddled him and wrapped his legs with my favorite polos and hopped on I gave him the same workout at Montana and it was just as good! After I unsaddled and hosed him down I went in for breakfast and it smelled amazing!! My mom said, "I hope you like it! Your also a little late! Skylee already ate, and just headed out with Jag." "I know! I just saw her as I unsaddled Dakota. You know she's going with a boy right?" I replied "No I did not! Why didn't she tell me!" She said I told her, "Thats why mom!" I then ate breakfast which was amazing! Waffles and bacon, my favorite!

After breakfast I went up to my room and gathered my things then showered. I hooked my phone into my speaker and jammed out to Luke Bryan while I showered and got ready for the day. "And all my friends say yeah, yeah, yeah" I sang along to All My Friends by Luke Bryan when I got a text from my friend Jacey asking if I want to buy a horse that I've had my eye on for awhile.
I replied: Yes! When can I come look/get him?
Jacey: Like noon today?
Me: Ok!! I'll be there at 12!

I hurried and put my makeup on and went outside to hook up the trailer and load my tack up. I then cleaned out the horses stalls and put them out in the field for the day. I also got a stall ready for the new horse, I'm positive that I'm bringing him home today!

I then got in the truck and headed to Jacey's. I got there and they already had him out and ready to go! I said "Hey! How is he? Do you have his papers on hand?" "Hey! Good and yes I do, he has Slick By Design on his dads side and Frenchman's Guy on his moms side. And you obviously know his name is Joker." She replied "Ok!" I said.

I then tacked him up and took him for a spin and loved him! I told her "I'll take him!" She said "Ok! That'll be $8,500!" I paid her and loaded him in the trailer. I got home and started thinking of a new name for him. I told myself "He's a big buckskin quarter horse gelding and he's out of Slick and Frenchman lines." "I'll go with the name Oklahoma!" I then settled him in his stall for the day and went inside.

I came inside and my mom and sister were gone so I just chilled on the couch watching tv. I heard a car pull up the drive so I looked out the window and it was Skylee getting back from the ride with her boy. Because it was Sky I just stayed on the couch and watched tv. When she came in she asked "Who's that new horse out in the barn by Montana?" I told her "That's my new horse Oklahoma! He's the one that Jacey had that I've had my eye on for awhile. I finally got him!" "That's awesome!" She said. I asked her "How was your date??" "It was good, but I would not call it a date... I'd call it two friends going for a ride..." she said "It sounds like a date to me!" I replied "Fine, call it what you want! But at least I know it's not!" We both just laughed. Then she asked, "Do you want to go on a ride with us sometime?" I then told her, "Sure! When would we go? But I won't be able to unless it's sometime this week cause I'm leaving on the circuit." She told me, "Sometime soon I'll let you know!"

I started cooking myself some dinner since moms not home yet and it's just me and Skylee. I ate my dinner and left some out for Sky so that when she gets back from working her other horses she could eat. I then went out and brought Montana and Dakota in and then gave them their hay, grain, and fresh water then headed in for the night. I got inside and Skylee had a scared look on her face. We found out that our mom had gone to the ER cause some idiot hit her car but she's fine and on her way home.


When I got home from my ride with Kade I was surprised to see a new horse in the barn. I got inside and asked Keslie "Who's that new horse in the barn next to Montana?" She replied and told me "That's my new horse Oklahoma! He's the one that Jacey had that I had my eye on for awhile! I finally got him! How was your date??" I told her, "That's awesome! And it's not a date... I just call it two friends going on a ride..."  "It sounds like a date to me!!" She said, "Fine! Call it what you want! At least I know it's not!" We both just laughed. I then asked her, "Do you want to go on a ride with me and Kade sometime?" "Sure! When would we go? But I won't be able to go unless it's sometime this week." She asked, I told her "Sometime soon I'll let you know!"

I then got a call from mom, she said "Hey Skylee! I'm going to be home shorty. Some idiot came and hit the car while I was turning into the grocery store parking lot. I'm fine though and on my way home so don't worry!" I replied "I'm glad your ok! Hurry home, Kes made dinner and we both have already ate. There should be some left over for you! And drive home safe, I'm going to tell Keslie what happened. Hope that's ok!" She told me, "Ok! Go ahead and tell Kes what happened that I'm fine and that I'm almost home. I'll see ya soon!" I said, "Ok! I'll tell her! Love ya!" "Love ya too!" She said.


I woke up to my alarm at 5:30 am, I went out and fed all the horses and turned out Dixie and Elsa for Tristan then I came back inside ate breakfast which was "yummy" as Tristan says. But it was just microwave pancakes and syrup. After that I gathered my things and hopped in the shower, I ran my hands through my wet curly brown hair washing the shampoo out. I then got ready for the day and went out to ride Jackson and Harley. I took Harley out on a trail ride, then practiced ropin with Jackson.

My brother came in the house yelling my name I said, "WHAT WHAT WHAT?!" "I got us entered in a rodeo for tonight in Kanab, Utah! We can just head out on the circuit earlier too." He said "Ok! What did you enter me in? Both events or just one?" I asked, he then told me "I was only able to enter you in Saddle, but bring the horses just incase we can afford to enter both." "Ok! I'm going to load up all our supplies." I told him.

I loaded up all my tack, feed, grain, etc. I decided that I'd clean out the stalls so I let Jack and Harley out in the round pen for a little. I finished cleaning out the stalls and put the horses back in for the little bit of time before we head out, I then came inside and packed my bags put them in the trailer and found some food for the road. I came inside ate lunch and called Tristan to get his crap ready to go he told me "One second! I can't find my spurs!" "There right here!" I said "Oh hallelujah!" He replied.

We then got in the truck and we drove to the rodeo for a fun time, and to start our rodeo season.

We got to the rodeo, and checked in then settled the horses in for the night. I looked at the time and the rodeo was supposed to start any second! I ran to the chutes and hurried and got ready. I then put my saddle on the bronc and got ready to get on, I sat down in the saddle put my feet in the stirrups gripped the rope and I nodded my head and told them I was ready to go! We came shooting out of the chute, the horse zig zagged while bucking the timer sounded and I jumped off and looked at the big screen to see the ride, I got a 91.5!

I then heard the announcer say, That puts this cowboy in the lead! He scored a 91.5! Our next cowboy to is Tristan Madson! Let's see if he can beat his little brother!
Tristan rode but was bucked, and I won! I then claimed my check and a buckle. After that I went and checked the two horses for the night and went to get some food and watched the rest of the rodeo.

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