Chapter 18

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We continued until we ran into some leaf jounin. I stepped back on a branch and watched as they put them to the edge of death. The tears threatened to spill but I held them in. We continued for a while until we sat down to rest. I then felt five chakra presences oh no they're already here. Then Sakon threw a kunai that had paper bombs attached to it. "Well well I thought I was only flushing a snake out of the bushes but it turns out to be a couple of mice." He said.

I looked at Shikamaru and Neji then put my head down. "Ahh wait a minute calm down we're here to negotiate not fight, can't we talk this over like reasonable people?" Shikamaru said. I chucked still the same old Shikamaru. "Let's not forget your friends shall we?" He then pulled strings and out came Choji, Kiba, and...Naruto. Kiba threw a smoke bomb down but it was no use. I looked at Naruto and frowned. Shikamaru got them with his shadow possession jutsu while I jumped away. 

Everything went by quickly and they ended up in some kind of earth dome. "You said Me and Sasuke were the leaders of this right?" I asked. They all nodded their head. "Then I have one order, You can put them to the edge of death but you under no circumstances kill it. I want them to return to the village and be a disappointment to the Hokage and then I'll torcher them simple as that anyways, in other words, they're all mine." I said darkly. They nodded their heads.

I then went up to the dome and did a jutsu. Light style telepathy jutsu. This jutsu connects the minds of two people and you can talk to them and they can hear you without moving their mouth it's pretty neat. "Shikamaru find a weak spot in the barrier think of the power source spreading around the barrier and find the weakest point," I said. "Ok." was his response and I then switched my jutsu to Neji. 

"Neji I know this is short notice but I've already told Shikamaru this I need you to also be one of the Messengers for Lady Tsunade I'm spying on Orochimaru and Akatsuki don't ask why because I don't have time for that. Just listen to Shikamaru he'll know what to do just take care of the people in the village please." I said. "Of course and good luck Kazumi." I smiled and released the jutsu. "I was only strengthening the barrier so don't worry they shouldn't be able to get out." I lied.

They all smirked at that and we continued on leaving the other member to deal with them. We jumped through the trees for a little while until I started to get worried. He better not have killed them. I then sensed Shikamaru as one of our teammates. We continued on as spider guy took them on. We continued to go through the forest at a faster pace. I began to get extremely tired.

I began to get extremely worried about the others. The sun was setting and if I continue on like this I'm going to pass out. We jumped through the night and till morning. Until one of them stopped us and I turned around to see Naruto, Shikamaru, and Kiba. Their numbers are getting less and less. I watched as two-headed guy attacked them. "Remember what I said no killing them." He grumbled but nodded.

I ran to get to Sasuke but I was too late and Kiba got there first. The two-headed guy went after him while I stayed with the girl until I was paralyzed and picked up by Naruto. "What the oh great," I said. He looked at me and frowned. "Naruto let me go!" I yelled trying to get out of his grip "No I won't let you run away with Sasuke." He said. I looked at him he looked so determined and I hate that I have to leave him but...I'm doing it for the sake of the village. "Yes, you are." I broke the paralysis grabbed the coffin and took off.

Naruto I'm sorry I really am but this has to happen even if it is against my own will. Another person jumped down next to me his name is Kimimaro. "Hello there," I said. He looked at me then looked forward. "Hand me the coffin." He said. I nodded and gave it to him. We jumped into an open field and I turned around to see Naruto behind us. "Let's see how should I destroy you?" I gasped then looked at him. "I'm the leader whether you like it or not I don't care if you torcher him but do not kill him...he's mine," I said simply.

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