Chapter 10

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I woke up the next morning to a knock on my window. I opened my window to see Sasuke. "Well if it isn't for the great Uchiha," I said smirking. He frowned. "Don't call me that." He said darkly. My eyes widened a little bit. "What's got your anchors in a bunch? " I said rudely. "I'm sorry it's just been difficult after-" He didn't finish his sentence and he put his hand on his neck. I gave a small smile. "I know it's been the same for me as well," I said sighing.

I gave him a hug which made him gasp. "Seems you've had it rough the last month with Kakashi sensei training you," I said looking up at him. "How did you know?" He asked. "What that I knew Kakashi sensei was training you or that you've had it rough?" I asked. "Both." He said. "Well, I knew Kakashi sensei was training you because I discussed it with him the other thing I knew is because your side has a big scar I could feel it through your shirt," I said lifting his shirt up to reveal a scar.

"What on earth is he doing to you?' I said worriedly. "Don't worry it's nothing." He said taking the hand that I lifted his shirt with and holding it in his. I gave a worried smile. He leaned in closer and kissed me gently. We continued until he lightly pushed me on the wall. He began to kiss down my neck. "Sasuke as much as I would like this to continue on I have to train," I said. He stopped kissing down my neck and small frown made its way onto his face.

He sighed and backed away. "You always know how to ruin a moment don't you." He said. I frowned and pushed him down on the bed. "Maybe I do but I also know how to lighten a mood up," I said smirking. I leaned down as close as possible without our lips touching. "What's wrong to scared to make the first move," I said smirking. He instantly put his lips on mine and we switched positions. He placed his lips on mine and our lips moved in sync.

He licked my bottom lip for entrance so I pushed my hands against his chest lightly pushing him enough so I could breathe in air. "Not so fast Uchiha I wasn't lying about training I can't waste any more time today," I said pushing him off to where he was standing up. He growled in annoyance which made me chuckle. "You can come to watch if you want," I said going to my dresser and pulling out my ninja outfit. I took off my nightshirt and night pants and slipped on my outfit.

I and Sasuke have changed in front of each other many times so we're used to it. "So you wanna come?" I asked. He sighed but nodded his head. "Sure let's go." He said. He grabbed my wrist while I was putting my hair in a ponytail and dragged me out to the training grounds. "Ok let me summon my summoning. I did hand signs "Summoning jutsu!" I yelled.

"This is Hikari my summoning," I said leaning on Sasuke shoulder

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"This is Hikari my summoning," I said leaning on Sasuke shoulder. "He's going to train me." "Hello there Kazumi." He said bowing. "Don't take this the wrong way but who's the guy with duck-ass hair?" He asked. Sasuke growled and I laughed. "This is Sasuke my boyfriend... he's come here to watch me train," I said walking over to Hikari. "Oh ok well let's get started, first things first...I'll teach you, groundbreaker, then crystal spikes, and last but not least teleportation crystals." He said.

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