Love me for me

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Would you love me for me?

Ignore the scars?

Embrace my armless body?

Kiss my mouthless face?

Ignite my dead heart?

Would you love me for me?

Whisper in my deaf ears for hours?

Gaze at the stars with me describing what my blind eyes can't see

Can you make such sacrifice? 

Without asking anything in return?

No beauty. No money. No courtesy. No attention...

Because if you do...

I will love you for YOU

I'll shed my scars and weave them into a velvet dress for you

I will grow arms to hold you tighter than any lover's hug

I will kiss your mouth and surrender my soul to you

A newly blossomed heart gifted to you before it has even beaten

I'd listen to you whisper nothings and somethings both bitter and sweet

Collect all the stars and package all our dreams

If you would love me for me...

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