Stare away

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She walked away.

Her boots splashing loudly in the puddles of her saddened soul

He cannot be real. Unsustainable. Unstable. Unable to even maintain eye contact.

Oh how he looked into her gaze. His own brown eyes exploring for a few seconds and then wondering away.

Failing. Not accomplishing to engage with her soul. 

Yet why does he feel so close? 

And so another lover floats away before he lands... 


He walks away.

His bare toes clutching the cold marble of the floor. Matching his heart.

She cannot be real. Unsustainable. Too heavenly to be true. He is unable to maintain eye contact.

Oh how he looked into her gaze. His eyes exploring for a few seconds before wondering away.

The magnetism. The power of her soul so strong.

Never had he felt so pulled in.

Never had he felt so afraid.

To fail her. To be failed.

In that gaze he saw the past, the present and the future...

So familiar. So deep. So drunkening that he needed to look away.

Before he sank into her soul forever. 

Before he got lost in her heart. 

Because he does not know if there is space for him in that heart.

It is so beautiful. Appears so welcoming.  He wants to be imprisoned forever...

He fears no more... yet she has walked away


She walks away.

Her boots splashing joyfully in a puddle of summer rain. 

She turns and faces him once more.

"My Boy, why do you stare way?"

"Because if I look for a second more I will have to kiss you"

"Just go for it..."

They no longer walk away...

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