Falling In Love With Slender Man

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Parish Village, England


The city burned. Everything was a blur of orange and red. The shadows were beseeching and dangerous. Nothing could be seen over the impossible glow of burning homes. The scent of searing flesh filled the horrific night air. Screams rang through the barely livings ear drums and followed them to death.

            The sight was truly pleasant to the man whom had started the fire and he chuckled lowly to himself as he watched the hysteria unfold below him. He found the terrified faces of his victims joyous. He could hear them calling for one another, could hear the breath and life slowly trickling away from their loved ones. A wicked grin spread across his face.

            He crossed his arms over his chest and his eyes lit with the excitement of the kill. He had never seen such a lovely sight, had never caused such destruction. It was his first time doing so, but certainly not his last.

            An elderly woman gathered up the ruffles of her long skirt and tried to flee the seen, but he would not allow that. In one swift, flowing movement he was in front of the woman, taking up his true form. Long limbs burst from his torso, like a spider. His legs extended so that he towered twenty feet above the frail woman. His face became white and non-descript.

            The shocked woman looked up at him with fearful eyes. No one had ever seen such a sight as him before—or at least never lived to tell about it. Stories of him had gone on for years and years, yet nobody had proof. He was just a fairy tale to most. But he was certainly real, and he was certainly going to make sure he left his mark on this disbelieving town.

            “P-please…. D-don’t hurt me,” the old woman pleaded. He could see her hair was graying and many fine wrinkles folded her face.

            Once he would have taken pity on this woman, he would have let her go freely and erase her memory. But no, he would not do that. His mercy had left him a hundred years ago. He simply stared deep into the woman’s black, beady eyes.

            He knew what this would do to her. Slowly his own thoughts would ooze into her brain. His thoughts, filled with pain and agony. They would be too much for this simple human woman.

            Her mouth gaped open, trying to release the petrified scream that he had caused. Her eyes slowly and painfully dulled as her life was taken. Her death had not been pleasant, just like all his other victims.

            Some said he only took the life of children, but that was just story telling. Of course he did kill small children, but he had no limits. He would kill whatever he felt he wanted or needed to. He had just taken the life of countless people in this city: men, women and children. But that is what he does, because he is the Slender Man.

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