How to Get Over a Broken Heart

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"Let's break up..."

Whatever vocal tone your significant other used, in high pitch with anger or with simple tone without any emotion, that sentence will always make our heart hurts. Either for the first time or for the seven times, it does make a heartbroken. We hope we heard it wrong. We hope it didn't happen at least today, maybe tomorrow or the day after. But there's nothing holding back someone who really wanted to end the relationship. What we can do is accept their decision. Insist or begging won't resolve any problem, it will make it worst. You must have a big heart, and think that might be the best way for you together.

It sounds easy? NO! Never ever anyone said that breaking up and accepting it will be easy. Maybe it looks easy to the one who initiate it, but believe me, they also need to think how to say it and it's not easy either. Maybe in our 10-s, broken heart seems easy because we can find another lover material after that. There are many good person in school which we like so much. But in 20-s, our love wll get deeper and the relationship last for a long time. So when it reach an ending, we crying so hard again and again. 

I've been there too. Not once or twice, it happened several times. I always cried when break up happened. Even though I was the one who wanted it, but I couldn't help to feel sorry with my tears. I ever thought that maybe something's wrong with me, that's why the relationship was over. But if they're not talked about what mistake we had, so I can guarantee that it is not 100% our faults. Maybe they're too busy with their own life/work/families. Maybe they're just not that into us. Maybe they found new person who can fill their emptiness. All just happen out of our control as human and it's very natural. People come and go. We meet good and bad people. We meet for happy and sad reasons. All of it will give us many valuable lessons. And we just have to think that they're not worth enough, because they didn't want to make it work. They just run away. A person like that, just wasting our time. Keep positive!

But if it did happened because of our faults, it's okay. We can learn something from it too. We can do some self-introspection, for ourself to be able to stand in our feet again after the break up. We can fix what's wrong with ourself before we ready to have a new relationship again. Recall what happened to your last relationship and try not to do the bad things again in the future. Before you ask for someone for what you need, you must give your best in your next relationship. So you won't be falsely accused for ruining the relationship again.

So, let's get over a broken heart together. I'm with you to go through this kind of feeling.

1. Talk to someone : Breaking up is always hard. I suggest you to not keep it to yourself alone. Talk to your best friend, your mom, or even your pet. You should let your voice out. You told them about your breaking up, let they know you have a broken heart right now. It's better because when we are sad, we want someone to just hearing us. And they will give you peaceful advice. At least, we can calm a bit. Then you can crying out loud in front of them. It will become easier to go through the break up.

2. Get busy : You can become someone who suddenly dilligent at school or work. Finish your homework early and learn for new chapter of book before going to school. It's better to get busy than suffocating on your broken heart. You will go nowhere if you're just lamenting your sadness. You will stay in a box that won't able to make you move on.

3. Self-improvement : Join any workshop or seminar so you can have new ability or knowledge for the "new" you. You can meet new people there, making new circle, and maybe you may find the one who will make your broken heart into lovely heart again.

4. Talk to your God : I believe it is the best way to get over your broken heart. You can just admit that many sins ever made before, so what happen now is one of God's way to erase your sins. Also believe, what had been taken from you will be change for the better things. We met wrong person before we meet the right ones. Believe that God won't let us down. Increase your praying habit and depend only to God, not to human.

5. Let it go : Even though a broken heart can feel like the world's gonna end, but people always can go through it. The key is accepting and let it go. You must turn over your sad feeling into the happy ones. Go to popular places that you never visit in your town, go to museums to learn something new, do yoga to ease your mind. Leave it your broken heart in that place, and come back home with happiness. If you couldn't let it go, then you can go anywhere.

You can cry for a week. You can unfriend your ex social media. Do whatever you can. Just don't look weak in front of your ex. You have a long life to go. You can meet someone special out there again. And it's their lost not to having us as the best partner. We must love ourself more, we must be confidence all the time, and always be positive. It's just not our time yet to have a beautiful relationship, maybe because we still have some flaws. So let's be a better and better person everyday. Don't look back just for the sad things, look ahead that our happiness is waiting.


Let's #helpothers to get over a broken heart with our actions or words. 


Ginn, September 22//2018

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