How to Get Over Feeling Lonely

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Have you ever feeling lonely? Me too. I have been there. Many people have been there too. The reason is vary. Sometimes we're feeling lonely when we are alone, and also sometimes we're feeling lonely even when we are with someone else. Feeling lonely can come anytime, it feels like no one understand us. No one there when we need them. 

While you feeling lonely, you can try these activities as distraction:

1. Playing games : Games increase your enjoyment and even forget the times. Try simulation games like The Sims, Flight Emulator, Pro Evolution Soccer, etc. Simulation games takes many time to build. Even The Sims started from choosing eyes color to building home. You can finish almost all day, so you will forget that you are lonely.

2. Read a novel : Choose a thick book with simple story-telling. The distraction of our loneliness must not making us stress. We need relaxing story so we can enjoy reading without thinking too much about how the story go. 

3. Watch movies : There are so many good Netflix series out there. Why don't you pick one and finished it in one-go? We are busy all the time and don't have time to keep update with the hip series or movies. Browse interesting story that will forget about your loneliness and enjoy the series or movie marathon.

4. Sleep : If you didn't like playing games and reading a novel or even watching movies, you just can sleep. Recharge your body so you want feel lonely anymore. Maybe you lack of sleep because of work or study, maybe you never sleep for 8 hours, so it's a good chance to gain your full stamina by sleep.

5. New activities : Learn something new always interesting. You can search what workshop going on this weekend and apply it. It will increase your skill and knowledge. If you couldn't cook, just join cooking class. If you couldn't make things, try woodworking workshop. Who knows you will find new ability that will increase your personal value.

So, whatever loneliness feeling that you have, I hope you can turn it into positive things. When you are feeling lonely, which is I called it negative feeling because it can be destructive to ourselves, you should think positive. We should maintain our life balance. Even though nothing wrong with feeling lonely, because we are human who has that feeling. Our psychological thinking sometimes get tired and then feeling left out. 

People always get busy from time to time. And don't forget that you have your own busy time too. Sometimes we're feeling alone when others is busy while we are not. So accompany them when they need you, and they will remember the time with you. So when you feel lonely, you can ask them to accompany you. If they didn't come, you will know who really they are. Because sincere person will stay with us on our bad times. A true friend will be there. But don't forget that we should give before we take something from others. Don't be selfish, want something from others without asking what they needed first. Even though, the best thing to do is be good to people without expecting any reward or repayment from them.

Love yourself fully, and think that you are not alone in this life. You can even send me a message and let's start new connection. At least I will accompany you from wherever you are. Always be positive and please don't feeling lonely anymore.

Let's #helpothers to fight her/his loneliness by being there with them :)


Ginn, September 16//2018

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