The Big Sleep

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Here's Melody's outfit for today

Here's Melody's outfit for today

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Now Let's start the Episode!!!

3rd Point Of View
As the campers are soundly sleeping in their cabins Chris smirks at the camera and sounds the kalxon which wakes everyone up and causes Melody to fall out of the top bunk.

Melody: "Whelp time to start the day with a little pain ow okay i'm done moaning i'm going to get changed see you guys out there"

She leaves the boy's cabin and gets changed in the washrooms while humming a simple melody as she finishes and shakes her hair out to have a flowly effect though it.

She steps out of the washrooms and stands beside Bridgette as she puts her headphones and starts nodding her head to the beat of her music not noticing people looking at her outfit.

She didn't notice Cody trying to take a closer look at her headphones as Eva stops him by growling at him as he backs away with Melody still listening to her headphones with Chris getting annoyed.

Chris: "Okay can someone take those Headphones off Melody please!!!"

Gwen taps her sister's shoulder as she mimes to her to take her headphones off so Melody does but goes on her phone as she plays a game on her phone causing the campers to laugh as she puts it away again.

Chris: "Okay i hope you're ready for a 20km run"

Melody: "Nope we're not as you literally woke us all up you're planning something aren't you?"

Chris: "Maybe i am, Maybe i'm not!"

Melody: *Whispers to Gwen* "He's planning something i just know it!"

Gwen nods her head as the two face Chris as he explains the challenge for the day.

Chris: "The next challenge begins in one minute with a twenty kilometer run around the lake on the campus"

Owen: "Um i don't think that's enough time for breakfast!"

Melody: "Owen is right luckily i have my own breakfast right here!!" *Pulls out Chocolate Bar*

Owen drools as Melody splits the bar and gives Owen half of it which his eyes light up and hugs Melody and sets her down on the ground again.

Gwen: "You have food!!!!"

Melody: "I would give you some Gwen but Miss CIT overhere would tear my head off about it"

Chris: "You'll get Breakfast after you complete the run"

Eva attempts to punch Chris but Melody holds her back bravely on her own as Eva tries to calm down.

Melody: "Eva calm down he and his cheap hair products aren't worth it!"

Eva laughs and soon calms down with Melody wiping her forehead as she gives Eva one of her cupcakes before running off with everyone else but she is in the lead impressing everyone.

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