"Knowing about Sayori's Depression"

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This time this P.O.V is on Akai's P.O.V, this is based off before Monika, you yourself and Yuu and Yuri talked about hanging out, you got it, Awesome!!


Akai's P.O.V

As Monika finished her sentence, I began packing...As I was packing, I felt a tap on my shoulders, looking behind me, it was Sayori.

"Ready to go Akai-kun!" she said happily, I smiled, "Uh huh, wanna race to your house?" I asked, "Huh?, why my house?," she asked, "Because we're going to play like we used too!, now let's go!" I said as I ran past her, "H-HEY!, CHEATER!!!" she sa...

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"Ready to go Akai-kun!" she said happily, I smiled, "Uh huh, wanna race to your house?" I asked, "Huh?, why my house?," she asked, "Because we're going to play like we used too!, now let's go!" I said as I ran past her, "H-HEY!, CHEATER!!!" she said as she tried to catch up to me.

I got to her house first, "HAH!, YES I WON!!" I shouted while raising my hands on the air, jumping happily, as I looked at Sayori, heavily breathing and panting, "C-cheater!!, you ran past me!!" she shouted, "Sorry!, but didn't you cheated last time!" I said, she looked at me, I looked at her, silence started to flow on us, she smiled and giggled and started to laugh, I joined, "Okay okay let's go in and play inside already" I said, she nodded happily and went in with me.

Sayori and I played so many things, we played hide and seek, we played markopolo(If that's how you spell it..), and started playing drawing contests, while drawing, she called me,"Hey Akai", "Hm?, what's wrong Sayori?" I asked, "If Natsuki asks you to walk with her, would you say yes?" she asked, "Nope, I would still go home with you" I said bravely, "Eh?, but why?, Natsuki is-" she got cut off by me, "I said no because Rei can just walk her home, plus it's fun to be with you, just look what we did earlier, we played like old times even though we're becoming mature now" I said, "Sayori...I want to ask you a question.." I said, "Go on then" she said as she continued drawing and coloring, "Do you have...Sadness in you?..." I asked trying to keep it in, as I looked at her, she stopped drawing and started tearing up, "Hey now, don't cry...I'm still here.." I said, "But how will you be here if you're going to leave me with your loved ones on the future!" she cried out, "You seriously thought of that huh.." I said, "But...At least I'm still here for you, you know that right?" I said, she looked at me with those tears on her eyes, "Don't cry now, I'm sensitive when someone cries.." I said as I tried resisting her tears, she wiped her tears away and looked at me, "Can you promise me something?" she asked, I nodded, "Of course, I'll keep any secret that comes from you.." I said.

She then told me about her depression, I listened to her, every word she said, when she finished, I calmed her down, "Hey..You know you shouldn't feel like that, because you Sayori...are special to everyone, because you, have that happiness unlike the other people, the people you see don't have those happiness, but you have, you cheer them up, you make them smile like they never smiled before, you are truly special, you should know that" I said, "B-but why are you telling me this now.." she said, "It's because I....L-" I got cut off by my phone, I pulled out my phone and it's a text message to Y/N, "Who's that?" Sayori asked, "Just Y/N, he was wondering why I wasn't there.." I said, "You should go back, he must've been worried about you..." she said, "No...He can wait..." I said, I then texted him where I was, I then put my phone back to my pocket, "You know, you shouldn't waste your time on me right.." Sayori said, "I'll just be a burden to you.." she added, "No..you aren't a burden, you're not wasting my time, you are fun to be with, although I do everything for you, I'm actually having fun doing all the things for you" I said, "But don't you feel tired?" she asked, "Nope as long as you smile!" I said smiling at her, she looked at me with stars in her eyes, she then smiled, looking at her eyes, they're filled with happiness, but her depression is still there, I just need to make her feel happy and spend my time with her everyday, and help her with her depression, as I look at the time it was already '8:56PM' but I didn't want to go home... "Hey Sayori" I called her, "Hm?, what is it Akai?" she asked, "Want to write a poem about today for tomorrow?" I asked, "Okay, but what about my depression?" she asked, "We won't add that, it'll just spoil everyone.." I said, "Or even worst..." I added, "O-okay then.." she answered, "But we both can write happy poems for tomorrow" I said as I gave Sayori a smile of happiness, she smiled back, "Okay then!, what are we waiting for?, let's start the fun!!" she beamed.

We both started writing a poem about today, and as I look back through my day, it's..The best day of my life, knowing that I can finally handle Sayori's depression, seeing her smile, makes me so happy, but...When will I confess to her...I closed my eyes, then opened them up, and smiled happily, maybe on the right time, just maybe...

Time has passed and I finished my poem, I looked at the time, it's already '9:41PM' I looked at Sayori, she fell asleep, she must've been tired that she fell asleep on her study table, but I can't just leave her...I carried her bridal style, and put her on her bed, I tucked her in slowly and kissed her forehead, I then looked under her bed and there was a mattress, I pulled it and placed it next to her bed, I then removed my blazer and neck tie off, and hanged it on the door, and slept on the mattress.




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