Does He Get Jealous Easily?

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Yes, of course. He's always kissing you in front of every man that looks at you a certain way. But don't worry: he's always worried about the other men, not you. He knows you'd never do anything to make him feel that way.
He usually doesn't get jealous too easily, but when it comes to your male friends, he does get a little insecure.
Rory does get a little jealous from time to time, but he'd never admit it to anyone... especially not you.
It's very hard to make Ryder jealous... not that you've ever actually tried. The only time he ever gets jealous is when you talk about your exes around him, which isn't very often.
Artie gets jealous pretty easily, but that's mainly because he always feels like he's not good enough for you. You always try to assure him that you love him, but he still feels that way at times. It's not really jealousy, actually. It's more like insecurity.
He hardly gets jealous, but when he does, he grabs you and kisses you hard while touching you all over. It's pretty intense when Sam gets jealous.
Mike doesn't get jealous at all. He knows you'd never do anything to hurt him or male him feel that way, because he's the one for you and you're the one for him.

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