Dating Mike Would Include

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- Watching dance competitions on TV.
- Especially So You Think You Can Dance.
- Going on wacky (but fun) dates.
- Kisses in the dark.
- Watching lots of dance movies.
- Lots of snuggle times.
- But also lots of sexy times.
- Because he's kind of a freak in bed.
- Him giving you little gifts or surprises every now and again, to show you how much he cares.
- Making love in the backseat of his car.
- Him trying to teach you how to dance.
- And laughing when you mess up a move.
- Buying weird pets and things like that.
- He'll protect you with everything he's got.
- He'll stick up for you and defend you.
- But he's kind of awkward when it comes to PDA.
- He'd name the kids (if you choose to have any) after his great grandparents.
- He'd tell you about his nights out that he has with his friends.
- And you'd wish you had came along every time, because they always do lots of fun things.

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