Dating Finn Would Include

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- Lots of warm hugs.
- Sweet, loving kisses.
- Trips to where you two first met.
- Showering you with gifts all the time.
- Saying I love you to each other constantly.
- Playing in the rain.
- Walking the dogs.
- Late night talks.
- Holding hands wherever you go.
- Him telling you how beautiful you are all the time.
- Lots of pet names (from both of you).
- He likes it when you snuggle with him in bed.
- Soft, slow sex (probably with candles or some kind of romantic thing like that).
- He'll draw you a bath after you get off work.
- He plays the guitar for you a lot.
- Sings you to sleep.
- He'll tell you all about his family.
- Even though he knows little to nothing about yours.
- Napping together and sleeping in a lot.

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