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Chapter Six

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Lilliana slammed the door of her cramped office and sighed, part in frustration and part in angst. The order for Swarovski crystals for their best-selling designs hadn't arrived, and they were running low on stock.

Her entire day had been spent dealing with the issue. Lara had left early to get ready for a date with a drool-worthy redhead. It only left her to deal with the inventory crises. She cursed, dropping on the rickety chair behind the scarred desk abandoned by its previous owner.

To top it off, her Volkswagen had given up on her in the morning. With trepidation, she had let Lara drive her to work. The ride was nothing short of being strapped to a roller coaster with dips and turns. When Lilliana had made the great escape from the car, she had almost kissed the ground.

A loud knock all but cleaved her head into two. Taking a deep, invigorating breath, she called out, "What is it, Jane?"

The door opened, and her deceptively staid receptionist appeared. Clutching her chest, she twittered, "There's someone here to see you, Lilli- Miss Burton."

"I'm not expecting anyone. Please reschedule whoever it is. I need some time alone, alright." Lilliana rolled her neck from side to side to loosen the kinks. 

She couldn't deal with any further messes when the company's financial woes continued to weigh on her mind. The upcoming meeting with Bennett Ventures next Monday had her stomach in knots.

As a last resort, Lara had asked a rich doctor in the family for help, but the old fart, as she had put it, had turned her away with a haughty sniff. So much for the well-to-do relatives. It felt as if the golden opportunity was slipping through their fingers.

The only ray of hope on the horizon was that Kevin Bennett had agreed to a minor stake in L&L with a request for dual-class share ownership. Another mind-boggling thing she had to go over with the lawyers.

"But, Miss Burton, I think you need to meet him."

"What has gotten into you? Politeness isn't your strongest quality." She narrowed her eyes in suspicion at their mouthy receptionist, and unfortunately, the only one she and Lara could afford.


"No buts, I'm busy. Please tell the person to make an appointment."

Jane looked aghast but complied, as she was told, with no snark.

Once alone, Lilliana got to her feet to retrieve her tablet from a nearby table, knocking a stack of sketchbooks and loose sheets. At the sound of the door opening, she grumbled, "Jane, didn't I make myself clear..." Her voice died in her throat when she looked up.

It wasn't her stout receptionist who stood at the threshold, but Thomas. He held a bouquet of bright flowers, looking sheepish yet handsome in a dark blue business suit.

"Sorry, I didn't give Jane much choice." He leaned against the door frame with a devilish smile. His height crowding the entrance. He looked more like an inferno than sorry.

Caught unawares, Lilliana stood rooted to the spot as he lazily shifted his scrutiny from her face to the rest of her with a hint of something naughty. His insolent eyes seemed to undress her. A ripple of delicious shivers spiralled through her.

Straightening, Thomas closed the door to allow them privacy in the small space. "Lilies for Lily." His sexy voice washed over her. 

The whiff of his cologne made her heartbeat run amok. But reality crashed in when she remembered the debacle of the Saturday night and her lips thinned.

Lilliana ignored the flowers. Why was he even here? Hadn't he made it clear that he wanted to do nothing with her? 

"I guess I deserve your anger." He winced at her refusal to accept the peace offerings. "At least take these. I don't know which lily is your favourite. So, I got whatever kind the florist had."

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