Kaylani's Backstory Part 1

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( This Kaylani isn't the actual me it's just a character who shares the same name and interests Sooo... YAY!!!✨)

Kaylani: Ummm...Why am I here and who are you?

Me: *Awkwardly laughs* Well Kaylani I'm Kaylani but where not the same person...dont worry about it -_-

Kaylani: Wasn't even gonna bother once you said "I'm Kaylani" But why am I here I'm supposed to be hanging out with Reya today -_-

Me: Your girlfriend can wait this is more important OK!

Kaylani: *Takes her delete button out* -_-

Me: W-Wait!  I'm just trying to get some info on your background and stuff....T~T

Kaylani: Oh!  *Puts delete button away* Why didn't you say so? Umm what do you wanna know?

Me: I want to know about your childhood life before you were adopted, or how you got that delete button, or Why you always say the truth.

Kaylani: Oh God why?


Kaylani: 👌•ω<

Me: So will you answer the questions?

Kaylani: Ughhh fine but I'll do it in my words and MY way!

Me: Alright that would make it interesting!

Kaylani: And the first order of business is tooooooooo!  *Takes delete button* Get rid of you :)

Me: OK!  Wait....WH-

Kaylani: *Deletes OG Kaylani* Now that that's out of the way...I CAN BE THE STAR 😎


Kaylani's POV

So let's get this straight I wasn't born from a poor or rich family it was in the middle, not to high and not to low.

My Father Which I will keep his name unspoken for personal reasons which you will learn about in a while, He was a human which is somewhat strange for werewolf or Neko families to have a Male parent with no abilities..But to me he was the best gosh darn thing in the world!!!

My mother however which I could give less of a crap if I said her name or not so I'll just say it....DESTINY!!!! Was not the best mother in the world.

She for some reason didn't like me -_- Still to this day I don't know why maybe it's because she forgot to tell my daddo to put protection on and she ended up having a child she didn't want ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But I know she didn't like me and whenever my Father wasn't home she would either hurt me Mentally or somewhat physically.

She would tell me harsh things like I was a mistake, Horrible dauther, disgrace, Or the occasional *Clears throat* WHAT SIN COULD I HAVE COMMITTED TO HAVE SUCH A SAD EXCUSE OF A MUTT CHILD!? 

These fazed me as a kid but when I got older I didn't really care -_- I was just grateful to have a family or at least a adult figure that cared!

Oh! I remember when it became obvious she wanted me gone when she got me a delete button ^ω^

For you people (Which is probably everyone) Who don't know how the delete button works it basically a transportable button that can send living and Non-living things into a dark void of nothing but there own personal nightmares and regrets for as long as there in there,  it's called the Void dimension!

So this ADULT gave this button to a 4 1/2 year old girl who likes messing with things..... Yea this was a red flag for my tiny child brain to realize I was probably gonna die -_-

Here is exactly what she said to me! ROLL CONFRONTATION!!!!

Destiny: *Walks in the empty house with a bag in her hand* KAYLANI!!!  COME DOWNSTAIRS!!!

Kaylani: *Comes down the stairs* Yes Momma?

Destiny: I got you something come see it!  *Has a devilish smile*

Kaylani: *Shudders a bit but comes anyway* What is it Momma?

Destiny: It's a "Toy" called a delete button sweetie, it can make you whatever you want to be if you use it!

Kaylani: ...S-so I can be a Singer!?  *Smiles brightly*

Destiny: mmhm, Anything you want darling just think about it and it will come true~


Destiny: Yes just point it at yourself and press the button :)

And I followed her instructions and I ended up in a void of darkness just standing there..Nothing happened for a second until I saw an 100 FREAKING FEET SPIDER IN FRONT OF ME WITH TINY SPIDERS CRAWLING AROUND!

I didn't even know I was scared of spiders until that happened -_- *Shudders* EHHH I get shivers just thinking about that bitch -_-

When the spider got a hold of me it wrapped me in a web hanging upside-down about to bite my head off with its sharp fangs full of vedom...You don't understand how pissed I am thinking about this!

Anyways I was about to become Spider chow until I accidentally hit the button again and it teleported me back to the overworld in the same place I left at except my mother was on the couch smiling twistedly to herself, but that smile quickly faded into pure rage when she saw me fallen on the floor crying.


Kaylani: ..........w-what...


Kaylani: *Starts to cry more but goes upstairs before being stopped*

Destiny: *Picks up the delete button and throws it at Kaylani* AND TAKE THAT WITH YOU!! I HOPE YOU USE IT AND NEVER COME BACK!!!

Kaylani: .....Ok....I'll keep it as a gift....

Destiny: Ugh!  Whatever makes you feel like your special I don't care! -_-

Kaylani: *Smiles sadly* Thank you...

Destiny: *Rolls her eyes* GO!!!

Kaylani: OK Momma! 

And I Obeyed her wishes...for some reason IDK, I treasured that Delete button with my life because it made me feel happy...Usually if someone tries to hurt you with something you would throw it out or destroy it but this was the first gift my Mother gave to me besides the gift of life!  It made me feel like she cared even though I knew she hated my pure being 😄

Now that I realize it that's probably why I'm not afraid of death :\ huh the more you know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(Next time you will learn how she got put up for adoption and how she met her forever parents!!!!)

Word count: 1076

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