Chapter 1

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 "Where's everyone?" Steve asks as he looks around "What happened to them?"

 "Thanos." Thor sighs as he picks his axe out of the ground "They're dead. Every last one of them."

 "Groot?" Rocket asks as he picks up the dust left behind.

 "Yeah." Thor sighs as he swings his axe over his shoulder "I suggest you get over him quickly, don't waste your time on sorrow."

 He starts to walk away as we all share a look of concern. With a sigh, I jump out of the hulk suit "I'll talk to him."

 When I catch up to him, he sighs "What do you want, Banner?"

 "Norms, Thor!" I hiss and he stops dead in his traces "What's got your knickers in a twist?"

 "You said Norms." he states.

 "Yeah, I was stuck as Hulk for two years. Valkyrie said it a lot." I lie "Sue me."

 "Just..." he sighs, before scratching his forehead "Leave me alone, Banner. I need some time."

 "Thor, what's wrong?" I ask and he grabs my shirt, leaning over me "Thor?" I ask, timidly.

 "Leave me alone!" he growls, before pushing me back and hissing "Before I force the Hulk out of you."

 He storms off and I sit on a log, watching as he does so. And the only question in my mind is, how could I comfort him. He might be a complete arse, but he's still my big brother.

 You might be thinking, "Loki! Why have you done this? Why aren't you dead? How are you still alive? Where's the big angry green monster?"

 It relatively simple.

 Hulk got off of our ship when we dropped Kork and Ming off on Ming's home planet. Unfortunately, that was only about an hour before Thanos took over our ship.

 What Thanos thought was me, was merely a peasant maiden, who had already parished. In actuality, he casted me down to Midgard.

 Thor had no idea what I had done.


 "Where is my brother?" Shuri asks as we walk into the palace.

 Okeye walks towards her, to try to tell her nicely, but Thor sighs "He's dead. Blown away in the wind."

 "Thor!" I hiss and he looks to me somberly as I continue "You're acting like a child that's been taken out of the arena for punishment! Stop acting like the oaf you are and act like a king!"

 "I am not a king." he states, before narrowing his eye to me.

 "Asgard is not a place!" I hiss, before gripping his shoulders, lovingly "But a people. Who said that?"

 "I did." he states, before frowning "You weren't there when I said that. You were fighting a giant wolf."

 "Loki told me." I lie, before smirking "That was Loki's son, by the way."

 "Loki was a father?" Steve asks and I shake my head "A mother?" I nod and they look at me in surprise.

 "Stop talking about Loki!" Thor snaps and I look back to him "Just stop."

 He starts to stomp off, but I grab his arm and he swings his axe at me. I duck and it misses me, as I strike the back of his knee. He falls on his arse and drags me down with him.

 As he tries to get me in a headlock, I elbow him in the nose and fling myself against the wall, feeling a cold metal on my fingertips.

 When Thor comes at me with his axe, I smack him in the face with the battling spear "Yield, you gigantic oaf!" I scream as I slice his forearm.

 "What, are you getting tired?" he asks, as I block a blow of his axe.

 "Actually, I'm just warming up." I smirk as I slice his thigh "What about you, old man? You seem a bit rusty." As he grips his bleeding thigh and falls back, I click my tounge "Odin becomes you."

 He looks up at me, almost vulnerable. As I bring my spear down on his baggy pant leg, he moves and the spear ends up in the ground.

 As I try to get it out, I grumble "Really, again." as Thor comes at me, I swing myself around the pole and kick him in the chest.

 Quickly, I fling out my daggers and stab them into the slack in the hem of his pants "Yield, you stubborn mule!" I hiss.

 "What do you want?" he asks, looking up to me tiredly "What could you possibly want from me?"

 "Why are you upset?" I ask, sitting cross-leggid on his chest.

 "I'm mourning, if you must know?" he grumbles as he tries to pull the daggers out.

 I smack his hands away "Who are you mourning? Heimdall? Valkyrie?"

 He tries to summon his axe, but I fold his hands into fists and push them down to his side. After a sigh, he clears his throat "Loki."

 "Why would you mourn over him?" I ask, before chuckling in confusion "He destroyed this world. His own." I remind "He faked his own death. Pretended to be Odin. Reported you for units. Stole the Tesser-"

 "He's my brother." Thor interrupts, before biting my tounge "Was my brother." he looks at me sadly "And I love him. Despite all the trouble he has caused, or how far away we grew, or the fact he's not blood. He is my family."

 As I nod, he flips both of us, leaving his pants along the way. He penis is hidden in the fabric covering mine and I frown. Over my 1505 years, I have never seen his 'hammer'. Now? I'm quite proud, yet envious.

 It's slightly bigger than mine, and a little wider, but not much. Considering my 'staff' is about the same ratio of Frost Giants, mine is rather large.

 Thor's has a weird little curve. Odd.

 Rominoff scoffs as Thor's arse is exposed "Your phallus is a little too close to mine." I state.

 "Your turn." he insists as he lays his axe on my wrists "How do you know all of this?"

 "Loki told me." I insist.

 "Why would Loki tell you?" he asks, before frowning "Why would he tell Hulk?"

 I bite my lip, before thinking up a good excuse "Your brother is gay." I state, before continuing "Did you know that?"

 "Sorta." Thor frowns, catching me by surprised "I was looking for him one day, to drag him to the arena, I found him in library." he clears his throat and I feel him twitch. What does that mean? "He was having sex with one of the kitchen men." As I try to figure out when that was, he continues "What does that that have to do with anything?"

 I continue with a lie "Hulk smashed."

 "What?" everyone says in unison.

 "Hulk kinda had a crush on him and it was rather annoying, hearing exactly what they were talking about." I scoff as I try to get the axe off "Loki would sound intelligent, then Hulk took all of the intelligence out of the room."

 "Wait..." Steve states "So you were there, all the time?"

 I shrug, before chuckling "If you thought Loki was the silent type, you've never heard him mid-orgasm." I shake my head "Screamer, that one is."

 "Norms." Thor grumbles, before fear streams into his eyes "My poor brother!" he looks down at me "The pain."

 "Thor?" I ask, receiving a grumble "Your brother is a masochist."

 "What does that mean?" He asks.

 With a sigh, I look up to the axe. After realizing that I'm not talking unless he moves it, he lays it down beside me and I clear my throat "Sexually enjoys pain." I smirk, massaging my wrists "Craves it even."

 Thor grumbles, before pulling his ripped pants around himself and standing up "I've heard enough of my brother's sex life, for the time being."

What Lies Beneath the Illusion- Thorki Fanfic (Prequel to TGTPTW) Where stories live. Discover now