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My brand new dress shoes find their way to the floor as I slip them off. A deep sigh escapes my chest as I make my way to my kitchen. I'm in dire need of a drink, filming all day takes something unimaginable out of me.
I pour myself a glass of whiskey on ice and trudge towards the couch. My only plan for the night was to get absolutely drunk. The other guys and I have been working extremely hard with our new channel, getting things started and all.
With the hard work comes mental exhaustion, which is hard to avoid with a job like ours. There's something strange about how I feel though, the world I'm used to seems... different.
I shake my head and down the rest of the drink, the mop of hair laying on my forehead goes wayward. My fingers comb it back.
Suddenly, my phone screen lights up with a notification. A message from Zach.
'Hey man, you busy?' I read hastily. Things with Zach have been, well, different lately. He's been acting strangely around me. Our interactions have felt more forced.
'No, why? What's up?' I text back.
My leg bounces up and down and I anticipate the text back. My reasoning behind being nervous was unknown, but nonetheless there.
A message pops up:
'Just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out tomorrow, get some editing done?'
I let out a sigh, it's not that I didn't want Zach to come over, it's that I'd feel better being alone. And cleaning up my apartment....
'Yeah sure, bring some drinks maybe?' I reply, drinks make everything easier.
My eyes scan the room I'm in, my living room. There's an empty pizza box on the floor, water bottles everywhere, dirty clothes, and it smells like someone who hasn't showered in months.
My nose scrunches up in disgust, I have to do something about this. My mind goes to making coffee and getting it done, so that's what I'll do.
Three cups of coffee down and I begin to feel the effects, my mind is slightly clearer and I feel a bit more motivated.
I spend hours on end tidying up my small apartment. By the time I'm finished, three garbage bags are filled with trash. The atmosphere is much more calming, and now it smells like a flower bed rather than someone who hasn't showered.
'You're just tidying up to impress Zach' my mind tells me. I shake that though from my head, that is not the case.
"Oh shit!" I announce as I realize all this time I've spent cleaning, I've been ignoring the man on the other side of the phone.
'Ok, around noon then?'
'Is that a no?'
I mentally curse myself, my forgetfulness has probably made him worry.
'Hey! Yeah noon is perfect, sorry I was lost in a show.' I lie, I didn't want him to know the truth.
I set my phone down on my table with a sigh, what was up with me? I've never been the type to lie over little things like that. Being nervous to have a friend over, my best friend over, on top of it? Something is.. off, not right. It's driving me crazy.
My eyes dart over to my clock, 7:30 it reads. It's far too early to fall asleep but I find my eyes getting heavier and heavier with every blink.
I decide on turning on a movie and laying down, I set my phone alarm so I don't sleep in as I'm used to on Saturday mornings.
A blanket is layed nicely on top of me and I slowly doze off to the sound of actor's voices coming from the TV.

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