Hamilton reacts

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Rember when I said that this will inspire me to update more?

Authors's P.O.V.
Everyone sat in anticipation while the girl who brought them there was setting everything up.

"Seriously though, is there anything we can call you?" Peggy asked not wanting to call her 'The girl'

She looked down in thought.

"Just call me what my friends call me,"

"Witch is?"


"Ok then,"

The room was silent again.

The gi-Khi clapped her hands.

"Ok so originally I had one thing for you guys to react to but, because there're so many versions of this thing I decided you'd react to more than one...if that makes since."

"And what might that be?" Eliza asked.

"Modern day music!" Kai said.

They all smiled

"This sounds exciting." Burr said causing Alexander to gasp. Burr rolled his eyes in response.

"Oh, and just so you know today's music is.....different from what your use to."

"Pfft," Peggy rolled her eyes.

"How different can it be?"

Khi looked down and mumbled

"You'd be surprised."

"Ok first thing you're gonna listen to is some rap music."

"Rap?" Angelica said.

"What an interesting name."

"Get comfortable and enjoy."

"Wow...that was...interesting." Angelica stated.

"Yeah....What was he talking about?" Alex asked.

"Oh. Just how the government is messed up." Khi responded.

"How so?" Jefferson asked.

"Well if you want to be pacific, he's talking about how the police are killing innocent people...I think."

"Awww, that's horrible." Eliza said

There was yet another silence.

"That kinda sounded like poetry." Phillip spoke up.

"It was." Khi said.

"My only question is why was there so much profanity?" Burr asked.

Khi shrugged.

"I don't know. That's just the way it is."

"Wait," James H said.

"Do children listen to this?" He asked.

"Yes." Khi responded simply.

"Why? There's so much profanity." Eliza added.

"Well it's better than half the stuff that's out." Khi said.

"Ok, now your gon' listen to some Hip Hop."

"Hip Hop?"

"Why was that girl so exposed!?" Angelica asked.

"That how women dress now."

"Well I like the way she looked." Phillip said making Eliza slap his arm again.

"I have a question for the first one." Peggy said raising her hand slightly.

Khi hummed a response.

"Why was it so....nasty?" Peggy asked

"I don't know, I ain't the one who made it."

"That brings my to my next question," Thomas said.

"Why in all of theses did they use such poor grammar?"

"Probably didn't get a proper education." Angelica answered.

"Actually people of all races can go to school." Khi said.

"What about women?" The Schuyler sisters said in unison.

"Yeah, they go to school to."

All the women in the room cheered.(including Maria and Theo sr and Jr.)

"Any other questions?"

They all shock their heads.

"Ok, you guys relax for bit, you got more to react to."

Sorry this is garbage😅.
I was in a rush.

Next update will be today(hopefully).

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