Lets talk about Miss Maria Reynolds... Daughter...

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So like...when Maria & hammy where having the affair Maria had a daughter named Susan who was...young...like 3 and B/C I'm to lazy to google it imma go with 3...or...5.yeah 5. Ok so lil Susan is 5 right.

Ok so like what was she doing tho? She obviously(🙄) wasn't with James or whatever.So she was probably with Maria...so what the frick was she doing...? Like someone explain...

So,so,so listen was she like sleep when it happened or....cuz I'm pretty sure she'd wake up,,,you know what I mean,ya know....k I'll stop....anyway wouldn't she have woken up(rip) due to the...uh....noise(s)

Or...like we KNOW this wasn't Maria's first rodeo,so like when it was her first rodeo did she like walk in...then Maria had to tell to ignore it next time...Or,

She was like,playing or something and she heard something then walked to her moms door and was like...'Oh this again' and went on with her day......or something.

Either way it must of inspire her because she did the exact same thing her mama did when she got older😉.

I hope you liked this...trash I told you this book would be trash...sorry I hope this somehow entertained you,peace✌🏽.

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