The Unfolding of Events

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Ailish's POV

I climbed quickly down the ladder, as sensored lights flickered on above me. I dropped from the last three rungs and landed heavily on the concrete floor. I looked around warily at the small, brightly lit hallway, lined with gleaming metal doors with numbers burnt into them; apartments. I dashed along the hall and found a stair case at the end, prepared myself to jump down the the landing below, leapt down and stumbled into the wall. I took the steps more cautiously until I reached the 90th floor. I stopped for a moment to catch my breath, and instantly a small flickering shape lunged out of the shadows of an uncomfortable looking plastic chair. I dived forwards down the hall as the creature leapt at me, and felt the air as it scraped past my head, just centimeters away. I hit the ground and rolled up to my feet, spun around and caught a glimpse of a small metal creature, with six spindly legs burdened with a large, shimmering silver body and head. Small red eyes glinted on the creatures face. I was just about to move closer when a large hand clamped around my throat, and the creature scuttled towards me. It reached my foot and I flicked it up into the mans face and twisted free of his grasp. I sprinted towards the stairs but the man appeared behind me, punched me in the back, making me arch my spine, then slammed his elbow into my ready and waiting forehead, rocking my brain against my skull, and I blacked out.

Rob's POV

I couldn't do it anymore. My mind was going blank, my pain blinding. My consiousnous slipped out of my grip, and I slipped off.

What felt like hours, but was really only seconds later, I felt a rough hand massaging my muscles. At first I thought it was strange. Then realisation dawned on me. I jumped up, pushing the man away as I processed the information, that I was alive, my bones were healed, I was stiff, but ecstatic. But wait...

"Who are you? Why are you here? Where am I? What's happening!" I screamed, the stream of questions bursting from my mouth. I took a brief moment of silence as an opportunity to examine the person. I focused my eyes, realising it was a young woman, perhaps 20 years old.She had light brown hair, or it might have been dark blonde, about shoulder length. She had dark blue eyes, the kind that had millions of layers. I could stare at them for hours without finding out a thing about her personailty. Infinity. There was something familiar about her, but I couldn't quite figure it out... I gazed quizzically at her for a moment, and realised that I was staring.

"You don't need to know who I am just yet. When the time comes you will know," She eventually replied, her voice high and sweet.

Everything shuddered. I felt my consciousness shift; I was watching myself and the woman conversing from far above. Our voices were distant. For a second, my view disappeared. I could see the forest just outside my school, drenched in darkness, a crescent moon directly above me. The grass was soft beneath my feet. I heard the woman's voice piercing the silence:

"HEY! Are you even listening to me?" I opened my mouth to reply, trying to force the words out but nothing would come. I collapsed onto the grass and shuddered, the woman's voice disappeared. I was back in the real world, and Ailish was trapped. Who knows what else lived in that mysterious world? I remembered the scream.

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