Ch 4. What would you die for?

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"Am I just the kind of girl that never gets to find happiness?" I asked as I leaned my head into Tigs shoulder. He took his thumb and wiped the tears off my cheek as he joined me on the floor. I had hid myself here instead of going to prom. The big poofy dress my mother picked out was now coated in tequila and whisky. My perfectly curled hair tossed into a wreck of a top not. To make it even worse I had Makeup stained cheeks and lipstick smudge across my chin. I was not a sight to see but more so a sight to avoid.
"Oh Rhi, of course you are," he cooed taking the bottle out of my hand. I looked at him helplessly. His words felt like lies. "I didn't choose to be a part of this life Tig. I didn't get the choice so tell me why when you had it did you choose this?!" I gestured around the room words barley audible as I fought for the bottle of whisky.
"It's not that bad of a life Rhi. Baby I know it's hard right now. I know bad things happened, but we are your family. We will protect you." Tig pulled me closer so I could cry into his chest.
"It's not a family I know how to be apart of anymore Tig," the words weren't meant to hurt him.
"I know baby girl. I know. We will get you out as soon as we can."

I stared at myself in the mirror for a long time. The girl staring back at me looked familiar, but that she wasn't me. Instead I saw my mother. The dark curls, the anger in my eyes, the smirk that danced with revenge that was all Gemma. A strong women. A broken women. A women who had been dragged through the rubble but still managed to put herself back together. Maybe I should be more proud to see so much of her in myself, but I wasn't. Power destroyed her. I couldn't let that happen to me. I walked out to the car feeling nervous. What was Miguel forcing me into. I was in a dress he sent over going to some socialite event I normally wouldn't be caught dead in. Gun strapped to my leg for protection and Alvarez's number on speed dial just in case.
"Rhi?" EZ'a voice made me stop in my tracks. The leather kute was all I could focus on as he stood in front of me. Dark eyes gazing over my body as he bit his bottom lip slightly.
"Where are you off to?" He questioned. I swallowed hard as I tried to think of a believable lie.
"A work event. Trying to get my law practice out there a little better," he nodded as if he understood. "You look good Ezekiel."
"So do you Rhi," I leant in to kiss his cheek. Do I tell him what I'm really going to? It seems like to much of a risk. I don't need more people getting hurt because of me.
"I'll call you later okay?" I didn't want to leave him here. I wanted to take him with me. Not let him slip through my fingers again but I had to.
"Please do."

The room was filled with men in business suites and women in to expensive of dresses as I searched for Miguel.
"Ms Teller you made it," his voice was like venom as he whispered in my ear. His arm wrapped tightly around my waist as he turned me to face him.
"I figured you wouldn't play by my rules," he rubbed his thumb across my chin making me jerk away.
"Why do you want me here?" I questioned. "I'm of no use to you."
"You will be though. Give it time." He chuckled. I found a table and started to sip back the complimentary champagne as men walked by staring at me for longer then I felt comfortable. Hours passed and I could feel the alcohol getting to me.
"I'm leaving." I hissed when Miguel joined me at the table. "I don't play anyone's arm candy."the devilish smirk appeared on his face again.
"You will leave with me. We have an errand to run my dear."
"Enough of this. What do you want from me?" I demanded.
"Insurance." And for the first time I understood what he meant.

It was an abandoned storage unit we ended up in. There was a man tied to a chair in the corner as cartel goons stood around him.
"Who is he?" I questioned walking closer to him. He tried to yell but his mouth gag muffled it. "Why are you doing this to him? Let him go!" I demanded reaching to loosen his wrists. I was instantly grabbed by a goon and restrained.
"Tsk tsk I thought you would know better Rhiannon." Miguel teased motioning for me to be released. "He crossed me. Didn't repay his debts so now he pays the price."
"You're going to kill him?" I backed away.
"No mi are." My hand slapped across his face so fast that neither of us could react. Another goon tumbled towards me but I wasn't having it pulling my gun on him.
"Enough all of you!" Miguel boomed. He took the gun from my hand shaking his head. "Rhiannon I will kill one or both of the Reyes brothers if you don't do this. Then track down whoever was left of your precious sons and kill them to." His words were vicious as he whispered them into my ear. His hot breath backing my spine tingle as he placed light pecks on my skin. I was to afraid to fight back. He motioned for his men to leave so only the three of us were left in the storage unit.
"Don't make me do it." Hot tears fell down my face. "I'm not a killer."
"Oh sweet sweet Rhiannon you and I both know that isn't true. I can inform a lot of people of that as well. Make it so you can never practice law again. Is that what you want?" I shook my head no.
"It was self defence." I whispered. "I didn't mean for it to happen. He would have killed me." Miguel placed a gun in my hand and walked me closer to the man. I fought back as he forced me to raise it to his hand. Hand shaking as he gripped it tighter forcing it to steady.
"Pull the trigger."
"Never." I hissed feeling his finger wrap around mine. The world around me fell silent as I felt the blood spatter across my face. How could someone be so evil.
"This wasn't now was it Rhi. You will do what I say from now on. No more arguing." He placed a kiss on my forehead. His deep eyes burning through me as I stood there frozen.

I woke up to someone banging on my door. Angels worried eyes met my tired ones as I let him in. Alvarez was on his tail a photo in his hand.
"Alvarez called asking if I had seen you." He looked me over. I stared at him blankly looking between the two men.
"You have now both seen me." I couldn't keep my voice steady as I spoke to my friend.
"Rhiannon what happened to you tonight?" Angel questioned cupping my hand in his face. Alvarez handed me a black and white photo of Miguel Galindo whispering into my ear at the party earlier.
"This arrived at my door with a note saying whose side do you really think she's on. Galindo delivered it himself." Alvarez spoke.
"He knows more about me then I even know." I hissed. "I was supposed to protect all of you and now..." I took a deep breath. "And now he's forcing me to kill for him so I can't turn on him."
"We will protect you." Angel argued.
"I won't make it out of this one alive. Tellers die."

Every crow dies- EZ Reyes (under edit)Where stories live. Discover now