04 | Date

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I'm back at the school and I am practicing for the basketball. Miss Swift says that she will help me to get better and that we will work hard.


"Ahh!! Riley!! What should I wear tonight? I'm so stressed! Help me!" I yell.

"Chill! Chill! It's just a movie. You don't have anything to worry about," Riley reassures me.

It is so easy for her. She is so chilled and layed back. She acts like there is nothing to worry about. Well, she has been on quite a few dates and by a few, I mean like 50 dates.

"What if I mess up tonight,Riley?"

"You won't. Trust me. Just be yourself, if he doesn't like you for you, the he is an asshole. Now put this red shirt and this black skirt on."

I do as she says. I also wear my sneakers with this outfit. Riley is really good at this, she should go study fashion.

"How am I going to greet Zack? With a hug or handshake? Or just smile and say 'hi'?"

"Ahh no! We have work to do! When you see him, smile at him and start walking SLOWLY towards him. Don't look rushed, take your time. Don't let him see your stressed. Greet him with a hug, but not to long, let him wonder how it feels to hug you longer. Don't try to hard, if you know what I mean, then you'll be fine."

"What will I do without you? Thank you so much! I still can't believe that Zack and I are in the same school . How did I not noticed him before."

"Well, there are like 2000 learners and he is 3 years older."

The time is ticking, second after second, minute after minute. The closer it gets to going on the date, the more I stress. I really like Zack, we only know each other for a week, but he seems so sweet.


The time has come! My mother dropped me off at the movie theater. I told Zack that we should meet up here instead of him picking me up.

I walk towards the door, I enter and see Zack standing there in a skinny jean with a blue shirt. The shirt shows his muscles. The blue makes his eyes pop. I think I'm literally drooling.

Keep calm Chloe. Don't fudge this up. This is your first date ever. Calm! Walk SLOWLY! SMILE!

He comes closer and wraps his arms around my middle, I wrap my arms lightly around his neck. I don't hold him to long, after 3 seconds I let go and he also lets go.

"Hey Chloe. You look really pretty," he greets me. His hands placed on my hips.

I take a step back, so that he can remove them. Although it feels so wonderful, I should follow Riley's advice. Don't give him what he wants.

"Hey Zack. Thank you. You don't look bad yourself."

"Shall we go in?" He asks.

"Sure." He takes my hand and slightly pulls me after him. Butterflies in my stomach.

We go in the cinema and take our seats. He sits left of me. He had everything ready. On our seats were already popcorn with my favorite spices, aka butter. There were also drinks. He is so sweet.

I don't even know what we are watching.


The movie starts. The name "Midnight Sun" comes up. My favorite movie! How did he know? This movie doesn't even shows! Yesterday was the last time it showed in the cinema!

"How can we watch this? I thought it is out of the cinema," I whisper.

"It is. I pulled some strings," he laughs softly.

"How did you know all these are my favorites?"

"Riley told me. And you look like someone that likes this kind of movies," he whispers.

I only smile at him and we continue to watch the movie.

My heart is beating out of my chest. What if he wants to hold my hand? Or what if I sweat too much.

Two moments later, I feel someone touching my pinky. My heart beating now very fast. He lifts my hand up and our fingers intertwine. I only keep my eyes on the movie. I feel him move closer.

Keep calm Chloe! Breath! In and out and in and out!

He leans closer and whispers in my ear, " Did I mention you look really pretty tonight?"

"Yeah," I say smiling and nod.

"Well you do," he leans forward and plants a kiss on my cheek.

Thank goodness it is dark, otherwise he would see how red I am. My cheeks are burning up like flames.

We continue to watch the movie in silence.


A tear drops from my eye almost when the movie is over. I feel him wiggle his hand loose from mine and folds his arm around my waist, while he is hugging me.
He takes his other hand and wipes my other tears off. My heart beating out of my chest!

"Your cute. You know that?" He says softly.

I only smile at him.

The end

The movie is over and we make our way out. Our hands still intertwined. It feels so perfect. Everything tonight was just perfect.

We arrive outside and we stand still in front of each other.

"Thank you so much, Zack. It was really really fun."

"It is my pleasure," he smiles. "Listen Chloe, I really really like you, like really. You are so kind and friendly and your beautiful. You make me a better person just by being in my life. I would like to get to know you better, if that is okay with you?"

"You are making me blush. Thank you so much Zack. I would love to get to know you better."

He smiles at me. The next moment he is wrapping his arms around me and lifting me up into a tight hug. He whispers in my ear, "Your perfect, just perfect."

My cheeks is flaming hot. He puts me down and takes a step back. "Let me give you a ride home."

"Okay, thank you."

We climb into his car and we are off.

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From now on I am going to add music that you can listen to! I love listening to music, I hope you like it♥️

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From now on I am going to add music that you can listen to! I love listening to music, I hope you like it♥️

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