02 | Back to school

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After my brother's cricket tour, the rest of the vacation was boring. Nothing really happened.

Everyday I went jogging and tried to improve my strength. It kind of worked, well I hoped


"Blah Blah Blah," my alarm goes off.
I jump out of bed! School begins tomorrow! I start with grade 9 tomorrow! I can't wait, it is going to be the best year of my life. Everything will be perfect and I know it.

The whole day, I organized my school books and packed my back bag. I haven't been more excited for school. The second year of high school. Maybe I will get a boyfriend. Maybe Liam will tell me how he feels about me.

Liam is a guy, one year older than me. He is grade 10. He is super hot. I have had a crush on him for about 8 months. He is tall with a tanned skin, curly hair and blue eyes. He looks kind.

Everything will be much easier this year. Nothing will be new, except we are getting a new principal. I hope he can do his job.


The day is soon over. All my books are packed for tomorrow. I got this!


"Blah Blah Blah," my alarm goes off.
I jump out of bed even faster! School begins today!!!

I can't wait to go to school. I've missed everyone so much especially for Riley. She is my best friend. She has been there for me through thick and thin. I wouldn't have survived my first high school year without her. She means so much to me. I wonder what she did this vacation. I think maybe she got her first kiss, with AB.


I walk in the school more excited than I ever was before. I run to all my friends and greet them all with a hug. When I turn around I see Liam my heart starts racing. My heart is beating out of my chest. I feel my cheeks burn up.

What to do Chloe? what to do? Stay calm all you have to do is stay calm?

He gives me a smile and I'm numb. I only smile back. He got even more hotter over the summer. I've missed him. I wish I could talk to him over the phone or just in person. I like him very much, although we never talk.

"How was your vacation, Chloe?" Riley asks happily.

"Great! And yours?" I ask.

"Perfect!" She says smiling. "I should tell you something!"

"Tell me?" I insist.

"I got my first kiss!!" She says in a high-pitched voice.

"Your lying?!!! That's great!! When?" I ask.

"When he came to visit. We were watching television and then it happened. It was perfect!" She cheered.

"That really great!! I'm so happy for you!!"

We walk and go take our seats in the hall. The opening and welcoming will be starting soon.

"Welcome everyone back from a LONG summer! I'm glad to see everyone. This year is packed with lots of new things and traditions......." the principal rejoiced.

"The Lord is on my side; I will not fear" - Psalm 118:6
The principal ends with.


We all go to our new classes. This is so exciting! I can't wait!!! The periods is short. We don't do anything, we get speeches and they tell us that we should work hard this year or we won't succeed. The say grade 9 is one of the hardest years in high school, emotional and academically.


I can't wait for the dance tonight. It is going to be fun. I shower early and put on my black shorts with a maroon shirt and my All Stars. I'm off to the dance!


We sit outside till a beat song comes on. We don't slow dance. Camilla and I talk, she is also one of my best friends.

"I like someone new. Did I tell you?" She asks.

"No!! Tell!!" I insist.

"Liam," She says happily.

What the fudge! How could she! I liked him first and she knew that. I can't! I just can't! Why would she do that? And act like she knows nothing about my feelings for him!

I'm just going to leave it! If she likes him and he likes her and if it is meant to, then it must be so. I'm not going to break myself or my heart over this shit. It is not worth it, he is not worth it. If he doesn't like me back, then it is so, I will just have to deal with it.


The next day is less exciting. Nothing really happened. It was just a normal school day. We got homework, on the second day of school, that is a little bit stupid, luckily it isn't too much.


Today is the BIG day! We are playing basketball trails. I can't wait to get back on the netball court.

"Welcome everyone! I hope you rested well and that you practiced this vacation. We are going to start the trails in 10 min. Give your name up by Miss White and your position. Start to warmup so that you don't get an injury," Miss Swift states with a smile.

I give my name and my position up and start warming up. I am really stressed. What if I don't get the team? Or I fail? Or I get an injury? Or if I can't play or run or make choices like I should??

Chill Chloe!! Everything will be fine. You got this! Show them that you practiced the whole summer! Chill!
Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. One more time inhale hold for 5 seconds and exhale.

"Everyone ready? Let's begin," Miss Swift says. "Claire , Hannah, Maya, Lucy, Mia, Ella and Chloe, take your places on the court," Miss Swift points us out and we go. Then she calls the other names that are in the other team. I don't think I've stressed this much.

Focus! Catch the ball Chloe! Yes, you caught it! Now throw it for Hannah!

I played shit! I would never get into the A-team.

Helloo everyone!!! I hope you are enjoying the story so far!! Please comment and VOTE!!!
I'm on a roll, I've been writing the whole day!!

I hope it is a little bit interesting. Sorry if it is still boring, it will soon get interesting, promise!! There is a lot more to come!!!

Enjoy the story


It all started with a hug ✔️Where stories live. Discover now